Part One: Feelings I can't deny

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"Lawrence?" A giddy Holo asked from the back of the wagon. Lawrence pulled his eyes away from the dirt paved road to look at his furry companion. "Hm? What is it Holo?" He asked back. the wagon shook slightly as Holo climbed in the driver's seat with him, holding her tail close to her body. "We are still pretty far from the North, are we not?" She asked. Lawrence nodded stiffly, placing his eyes back onto the road. "Holo, you've asked that five times in the last hour." He commented, causing Holo to look down in slight shame. "I know, I'm just asking." She mumbled, clutching a handful of her tail fur. He sighed and patted her head, making her let out a slight oof.  "I know, Holo. Here." he said, Pulling out an apple from his jacket and passing it to her. Her eyes Widened with glee as she took the apple with both of her hands. The sweet fruit exploded in her mouth as she chewed slowly. "Thank you, Lawrence." she thanked in a muffled tone, her mouth full of apple. He gave a small laugh, making her jump. "ouch." she mumbled, sticking two fingers in her mouth, feeling around a bit. "What're you doing?" He asked, concerned. Holo's face showed a slight flinch of pain as she touched the inside of her jaw. Pulling her fingers out of her mouth, blood was on her fingers. "Holo, are you okay?" Lawrence asked, a sense of alarm in his voice. "Hmph, it seems when you laughed, I had bitten my cheek in surprise."  Holo said, sucking on the inside of her cheek. "I'm fine, nothing serious." She added before he could ask her anything else. The cold winter air made them both shiver and Holo scooted closer to Lawrence, wrapping her hands around his arm, placing her head on his shoulder. Holo's warmth made him feel a bit better, but she soon scooted away. "I shall get the quilt, be right back." She explained, hopping into the back of the wagon. she rummaged around a bit, heaving as she pulled the large quilt out from under some some lumber. She crawled back in front, positioning the quilt over both of their laps. "Thanks Holo." Lawrence said, as she nodded and scooted back over to him, resuming her position, lacing her slender fingers around his arm. Soon, she felt Lawrence's strong arm break her grasp on him and wrap around her shoulders, before she closed her eyes, she heard him, "Goodnight, my Princess."


I felt my body against something warm, no, someone warm. Lawrence had placed his arm around me, my shoulders flooding with warmth. Lawrence, a strange man, he is. Why I haven't left him yet, I still don't know. Lawrence was a good man, he took care of me. I was eternally grateful for his kindness. I still remember back at the port when he confessed his love to me. I don't know if he was bluffing, or he was serious. Neither of us had mentioned it, so we let it go. I was too shocked to say anything, and he had grabbed me into a tight hug, kissing me on the cheek. Lawrence's voice was smooth yet slightly husky, making me feel secure. Nobody had ever told me that they loved me, I've been alone for a very long time. I hoped Lawrence wouldn't leave me, and he hasn't yet, so I slept calmer everynight. His eyes lured me in, though I had contain myself. I tried washing the pinkness off my cheeks but it was hopeless. His scent was enticing, smelling of cedar wood with a hint of ash. Holo, stop it. I mentally reminded myself. But, it was so hard to not be around him. I was going to miss him a large bit when we arrived at the North. Should I leave? No. Must I leave? Yes. I let out a sigh of frustration, making Lawrence stiffen. "Holo? Are you awake?" His smooth tone asked me. I raised my head slightly, letting him know that I was indeed awake. "Uhn, is everything okay?" I asked, rubbing my sleep caked eyes. I felt his hand pat me on the head, making me grumble. "Everything is fine, Holo. Why don't you go back to sleep, we'll arrive at the next port soon. I'll wake you when we arrive." he told me, offering his arm for me to rest on. Just as I was about to let Lawrence's warmth lull me back to sleep, an unpleasant smell passed my nostrils, making them flare. I stood up, concentrating. "Holo?" Lawrence asked cautiously. I held my hand up in protest as he attempted to stand up. "I'll be right back, you stay here. Don't argue Lawrence." I hissed as I tried to pin the smell. Smoke and Tobacco. People. I hopped in the back of the wagon, retrieving my cloak, tossing it over my ears and tail. I put my palm on the side of the wagon, pulling my legs in, then swinging them over the side of the wagon, landing with a small thud. "i'll be back soon, be safe Lawrence." I whispered. Quickly taking off my boots, tossing them in the back of the wagon, I took of at a sprint. occasionally sniffing the air. I gulped lungfuls of oxygen as I tried pinning the smell, not letting it slip. I was led to a small campfire in a clearing, surrounded by drunk men. they were laughing and making inappropriate jokes. One left and tossed up his guts, leaning onto a tree for support. I gave a tch as I watched them. I smirked. Humans, geniuses, yet complete idiots. I counted the men, six. I could take six drunkards. I slowly backed away, I won't fight tonight. I hissed as my bare foot snapped a large stick. The drunkards all stopped laughing, looking in my direction. I could run, but they would follow me. "Come out!" One of the men yelled, grabbing a shotgun. I stayed put, not risking myself. "I'll fire!" He slurred. I sighed, I'm sorry Lawrence. I slowly took a few steps out into the clearing. Maybe I could trick them, they'll fall for something, given their state. the man gave me a dizzy stare. "Go on! Remove the cloak!" He ordered, an odd click coming from his gun. I slowly took my hands out from underneath my warm cloak and raised them up to my hood, tossing it back a little, exposing my face but not my ears. All of the men gave me drunk smiles. "Aw, she's a pretty little thing, eh?" he asked the others. I flinched at their words in disgust. "I'm sorry to have bothered you, I have to get back now." I almost slipped up by mentioning Lawrence, but I caught myself. The man with the gun stood up, his face dripping desire. Sick, twisted, desire. "You're not going anywhere, sweetheart. What's a sweet little thing like you doing out there anyway? You better stay with us or you could get hurt." he sneered. I backed up, my back against a tree. "You want to bet? I didn't want to, but I guess I could fight you." I snarled. They gave hearty laughs, making me give a small twitch of fear. "You're a Feisty thing, Ain't ya Princess?" They used the name that Lawrence gives me. With a quick Flick of my wrist I managed to unhook the clasp of my cloak around my neck, making it fall to the ground. They gasped when they saw my ears twitch and my tail swish back and forth angrily. "Who are you?" One yelled. It was my turn to laugh. "You don't know who you're talking to, I'm Holo the Wise Wolf," I hissed, my eyes landing on the man who had gotten sick. "And unlike you, at least I can hold my alcohol." I finished, making them angry. Before they could react, I half morphed, turning into a normal sized wolf. I growled and sapped my jaws angrily, spittle falling from my smooth teeth, my clothes falling to the ground in shreds. I'm supposed to take them off, but I wouldn't pleasure these disgusting men. I'll pay Lawrence back later. I began to back up, hoping just to sneak away, when the man with the gun fired. I let out a large yelp in pain, my hip burning and stinging. Turning sharply, and running. I heard them shouting to run after me, which only fueled the fire in my heart to get away. My nerves were going crazy as I tried running faster, only to get shot at again. I looked back, before getting hit with more searing pain in my leg. My speed slowed drastically, closing the gap between me and them. No! Come on Holo, Don't give up! I told myself, my wounds steadily dripping blood. I snapped my jaws in pain as I lunged forward, a growl forming deep in my throat. I'm sorry Lawrence! I didn't mean for this! I was just curious! Please don't be angry with me. I begged Lawrence mentally, though I know my plea wouldn't reach him. My leg going numb of pain, I tumbled down a hill, snapping my jowls with fury as I tried to contain my cries of pain as sharp sticks and rocks cut into my tough coat. I finally stopped, out of breath. I used what last bit of energy I had and morphed into my Human form, my pale hand falling to my hip, where my wound was. I used both hands to Punch myself into a sitting position, only to fail miserably. I looked at my right wrist to see it bent at an unnatural and grotesque angle. My vision began to blur, and I began to Panic. No! I wasn't going to pass out! I have to find Lawrence! I stood lazily, swaying slightly. I Hissed in pain and fell back down, landing on my hurt wrist again, making me yell. I bit my bottom lip to help from screaming in pain and frustration. Lawrence would never find me now. Ugh! I feel like such a burden he has to carry around with him. Hot, sticky tears crept down my cheeks in streams. My vision was too blurry for me and I closed them, feeling myself slip away from consciousness.


The cold night air made me shiver, wishing for Holo's warmth. Holo, a strange woman she was. Her deep red eyes luring me in, dragging me into things that I would most likely stay out of. All of the night animals were walking about, making it hard to concentrate. My horse that let the wagon, Joshua, stiffened. I never really called the horse anything until Holo thought he needed a name. And thus, the name Joshua was given. I had tied Joshua to a tree, letting him rest after the long travel. I was spread out onto the grass, stretching my aching limbs. Gunshots were common, given that it was hunting season. So, when I heard one I didn't think anything of it. It's what came after the gunshot is what scared me to the bone. A yelp. A yelp that I knew so well. Holo. I flew to my knees, making Joshua snort in aggravation. I took off to the sound of where I heard the gunshot, sprinting as fast as I could, my heart in my throat. I heard yelling from a couple of men. Oh god, I should not have let Holo do this. Holo was beautiful, if those men got their hands on her... I would be wanted as a murderer. I followed their voices, only to result in hearing another shot, followed by another yelp from Holo. Anger and rage coursed through my veins, igniting my heart with fury. I'm coming Holo. I kept running for god knows how long, soon, the voices fading from my hearing. I cursed and slowed to a jog, then a walk. I placed my hands on my knees and heaved heavily, trying to catch my remaining oxygen. "Holo!?" I straight up yelled. No answer. I panicked and called her name repeatedly for what seems like forever. I kept walking, hoping to find her. I walked eventually into a clearing, noticing something on the ground, making me freeze with horror. Holo's clothes. I was shaking with rage. Those disgusting men. If they hurt Holo. My Holo. I gripped the shreds around my fist, my teeth clenched. I stood up and dropped the shreds, taking off into a full on sprint again.

"Holo..." I weakly called for the thousandth time. I was walking for about two hours straight, tacking the time somewhere around 3:00. I had followed her pawprints up until here, where there was just a large smear in the mud. There was a deep ravine to the left of the smear, and I feared the worst. I squinted my eyes, though the only light was the moon. I squinted as hard as I possibly could muster, my eyes twitching in strain. Under the moonlight, I caught a glimpse of her pale skin, making me catch my breath in shock. "Holo!" I yelled, inching my way down the 20 foot hill. I collapsed to her side once I got down the hill. her eyes were closed, her mouth slightly open. Despite her injuries, she looked peaceful. Her chest was rising unevenly, hinting to me that she broke a rib or two. Her right wrist bent akwardly, making me cringe. She had two gunshot wounds, one on her very upper knee, one on her hip, that were still oozing a small amount of blood when I touched them. "Holo, I'm going to pick you up now, okay?" I explained. As I slid my arms around her, I noticed her back was also caked in blood. She also had scratches and a few random gashes, some having small stones sticking out, her back, being no better. As I picked her up, I made my way from which I came, not taking as long to get back to the wagon. Joshua whinnied happily when he saw Holo in my clutches. I climbed in the back of the wagon, pulling out a few bandages and extra clothing. Holo was slightly shaking because of the cold. I gently turned her over, taking a sigh of relief when I saw the two exit wounds from the gunshots. One by one, I pulled the stones from her back, each one dripping blood. I got them all out, then,Grabbing my small pitcher of water, I wet a spare cloth in the water, wiping the blood from her wounds. She was unconscious during the whole process, which scared me. I finished cleaning and bandaging her up, pulling some of my clothes out of a small trunk. There were loose on her, put atleast she would be warm. I hopped out of the wagon, making it creak. I retreived the quilt that was on the ground, Giving joshua a pat, then hopping back into the wagon. I laid next to Holo, tossing the patterend quilt over both of us. "Goodnight Holo." I told her, before turning over, my back facing her. I cringed at the earfull I was going to get in the morning from her, but I didn't care.  My eyes slowly closed, as  I awaited my oncoming slumber, accepting it graciously.

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