Part two: love?

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The cold winter air gave me chills as I huddled under the quilt further. I was back in the wagon. Relief flooded through me, He found me. I tried to move, only to retract my body in pain. I felt like I had just been beaten, sore all over. I had a splitting headache that made my head pound, memories from last night flowing through me, scaring me. I tried raising my head up, only to have it fail, my skull reconnecting with the wooden bottom of the wagon. I stirred further, trying to sit up, my back searing with retched stinging. I hissed and just lowered my heavily bandaged body back onto the floor. I heard Joshua whinny, then stomp his foot in aggravation as Lawrence commanded the wagon be stopped. The wagon shook slightly, not helping my headache, as he came in the back of the wagon to join me. I slowly opened my eyes as best as I could muster, squeezing them closed again as the bright sunshine hit them. I scrunched up my nose, inhaling the smell of Lawrence. "L-Lawrence...?" I asked, my voice so low it was barely a whisper. A small laugh came from Lawrence, making me feel a little better. "Ah, I see you're up, how was your rest?" He asked, his tone colder than usual. Oh no, he was angry with me. I wanted to bury myself further in the quilt, lull back to sleep, and stay there for a few weeks. "I-I've been b-b-better." I answered truthfully. I felt his rough hand on my temple, then eased up to my hair, and I felt a small tug. "Twig." He explained, tossing it over the side of the cart. "I wanna s-sit up." I said, my voice coming through stronger as my weak vocal chords adjusted. I felt his presence stiffen, then inch closer. "Are you sure Holo? You're pretty beat up." He said, worry creasing his brow. His silver hair basically shone in the morning sunrise, making his face appear calmer. "Yes, I want to sit up." I repeated again. He sighed heavily but placed his hand on my back, helping me ease myself up. I made the unconcious desicion to lean on my dominate wrist, which happened to be my right one. I hissed and grabbed my wrist, hugging it close to my body. "Careful you, you're already beat up enough as it is." He scolded me softly. I nodded and leaned on my other wrist for support. I was kind of lopsided, but I didn't care. Lawrence's face flashed concern and worry, as he cleared his throat. "Uhm... Holo?" He said looking at me, his eyes hanging onto mine with invisible force. "W-What...?" I asked, breaking the glare. Lawrence placed his hand on my shoulder, causing me to latch on to his gaze once again. Lawrence's touch made me feel odd, my stomach would tighten, everytime he touched me it was like an electric shock. It felt... nice. "Did those men... hurt you?" he asked, emphasizing the word 'hurt'. He didn't mean a few gunshot wounds, he meant since I was a woman and they were men... "No, Lawrence, nothing like that. The only thing those men did was give me the gunshots. Nothing else. Promise." I said, my hand falling onto his, even though I couldn't squeeze his hand. His flace flooded with relief, though he tried to mask it. I did something I haven't done it quite a long while. I scooted closer to him, hooking my arm around his neck, my chin resting on his shoulder. His body went rigid, but soon he placed his hand on my back, his other hand was used to help balance us. I wanted to stay in Lawrence's embrace forever, his warmth, his smell. Everything. I caught my breath as I realized what was happening. I was falling in love with Lawrence.


Holo quickly caught her breath, her body stiffening. "Holo?" I asked her, making her go into a coughing fit and escape my embrace if I was poisonus. "I'm fine Lawrence, but do you know when the next port is?" She asked, and as if it was staged, her stomach rumbled. I pat her on the head and grabbed her good hand, along with the quilt. She followed me, unquestioning. I led us both into the front of the wagon, placing the quilt over both of us. Helping her step over, she seated herself comfortably, her fingers tracing the many patterns of the quilt. I clicked my tongue, making Joshua whinny with happiness as he gladly began to trot. Holo shivered, making me instinctively wrap my arm around her shoudlers. She was cautious but soon coldness got the best of her and she gladly snuggled close to me. "Holo?" I ask. She raises her head slightly. "Uhn? What is it Lawrence?" She sighed, her fingers rubbing her left eyebrow. Her face pinched in pain as she rubbed her brow in circular motions. I also sighed, gripping her tighter, making her release a small squeak. "Nevermind, just go to sleep, we should arrive in about 25 minutes." I told her, making her nod, giving a yawn. "I'll try to stay awake, no promising." she said with  smirk across her face. Ah, the classic Holo smirk. I smiled sadly to myself, I would miss Holo a lot when we got her to the North, but if she wanted to go, I wouldn't hold her back, because that would only cause her to hate me. I think she does kinda hate me, the rest that's not hate? Most likely acceptance. I sighed, also feeling a headache coing on. This trip would be the best, and worst trip I've ever taken.


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