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When I pick up Samara I think we'll go and get some movies and snacks. It's a movie night whether they like it or not. They're not the ones driving this late at night alone to pick up our friend that lives a good fifteen minutes away. Don't think I'm lazy, I'm not, it's just I hate driving at night after-

No! I am not going to think about that now. This is supposed to be happy and fun tonight. I guess I should call her to tell her to pack her stuff.

"Samara, hi! Pack your stuff for a few days. We are having a sleepover!" I pause to let her talk.

"Yay! Are you picking me up?" Her voice shrilled through me phone.

I put her on speaker and said "Yeah I'm on my so hurry up!"

She starts laughing uncontrollably "Well I'm almost done packing so you better hurry up yourself."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm like, what two minutes away?'' I say as I turn onto her road.

"Hah, sure you keep telling yourself that while I'm here waiting." She says laughing to herself.

"Well then I guess since you're ready, I'm here!" I shout at her pulling into the driveway. She hung up and comes running at me with a big smile on her face.

"Taylor! Who sent you Halsten or Joslin?" She asks already knowing that I don't like driving at night, but not knowing why.

"Both actually. It's all four of us this weekend but first we should go to the store and buy some movies and anacks." I reply as I pull out of her driveway.

"Okay as long as it doesn't take that long. Did you see about all the people going missing? I think there's some sort of disease going around too," she keeps talking and I zone out focused on getting to the store and thinking about these missing people. How does everyone but me know what's going on?

"Hey Taylor, are you coming or are we sitting in the car?" Samara says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh uh yeah let's go.'' We get out of the car and go to the store.


After buying the stuff from the store, we go back to the car and put all the bags in the back. "Okay, so we're going to the house now right?"

"Yup then the fun will begin!" I shout. I think of all the sharpies we got.

"Yeah well don't use them on me." She says. I glance over at her and see her looking at me seriously.

"Well you know the rules, if you fall asleep first yo-" I was cut of by Samara screaming. I looked over and saw her staring ahead, and see a figure right in front of us. I slam on the brakes but not before the car hits it. Oh my god I think we killed someone

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