Chapter Two

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After buying the stuff from the store, we go back to the car and put all the bags in the back. "Okay, so we're going to the house now right?"

"Yup then the fun will begin!" I shout. I think of all the sharpies we got.

"Yeah well don't use them on me." She says. I glance over at her and see her looking at me seriously.

"Well you know the rules, if you fall asleep first yo-" I was cut of by Samara screaming. I looked over and saw her staring ahead, and see a figure right in front of us. I slam on the brakes but not before the car hits it. Oh my god I think we killed someone!

"Samara! Calm down!" I shout; she was laughing like a mad person. Before you start to think she's crazy, she laughs whenever she doesn't know what to do or something.

I slowly get out of the car and walk to the barley breathing lump. Well at least it isn't dead I guess. I don't see a lot of blood just a few cuts and bruises. I know you shouldn't move a person when you don't know what's wrong with them but I couldn't just leave it here. I slowly turn it over and see it is a him.

He has black hair that is straight and a little curly. He's really pale but that might be because he got hit by a car. MY car. "Samara call the cops we need an ambulance." I call over to her.

She quickly shouts back "The phones aren't working. I don't understand why."

Sigh. Great just what I need a guy who may or may not be extremely hurt. "Can you help me lift him into the backseat?"

"Uh yeah let me move the bags first," she quickly calls back. She soon comes over, but the second she saw him her face pales. "Um I think we should wait for a car or something. It isn't very smart to try to move him; how do you know he doesn't have any broken bones?"

"Okay I don't care! We need to help him just pick him up and put him in the freaking car!" I yell starting to worry. He was obviously running from someone or something. She decides to help me so we slowly pick him up, trying not to move him that badly.

He groans when we put him down, making all the adrenalin I had vanish. "Sam you have to drive now," I say as calmly as I can. I start shaking realizing what I did. He could have a family! If he has a family and he dies it will be MY fault.

"Taylor, Taylor please calm down," she says trying to calm me down. My mind keeps racing and it slowly starts to get harder to breath. I start to panic trying to breath. Sam notices right away and sits me down with me head between my knees. "Taylor breath. In. Out. In. Out," she continues this until I'm back to normal. "Okay now, what the hell was that!"

"It was a uh panic attack," I just hope she doesn't ask me more. See it's not that I don't trust then or anything, it's just that I don't want them to think of me differently. That's why I ended up moving too.

"Okay... Lets get in the car and go home," I am extremely happy when she doesn't act any differently because of me the whole ride.

When we pull into the driveway, we jump out and slowly pick him up. I see the porch light go on then see Joslin and Halsten race forward then suddenly stop when the see the person we're carrying.

"IS THAT A PROSTITUTE!" Joslin shouts loud enough to let the whole world hear.

"No now shut up and get the door," I didn't mean for it to sound rude but it kinda did.

When we walk in I can barley see. "Guys I need something to wash his cuts with," I whisper to Halsten. She gets up and comes back with rubbing alcohol.

"You better have a good reason why this person is here," Halsten sighs to me.

I take a big breath and say, "ikindasortofaccidentallyhithimandthephonelinesaredownorsomethingandwecouldntleavehimthere." I say all in one breath.

"Can you repeat that slower?" Joslin says sitting down next to me.

"I kinda sort of accidentally hit him and the phone lines are down or something and we couldn't leave him there." Their eyes bulge out of there heads and they let out a shocked gasp.

"What are we going to do with him?" This time it's Sam that's talking.

"Um I don't really know, but we could make him a bed or something on the couch and wait for him to wake up." I say and start to carefully clean his cuts. "You guys can go to sleep. It's late and you aren't the one that hit him. I also need some time alone to think." They slowly nod and walk away.

I brush his hair off his face and sigh when there's blood in his hair too. I get up and fill up a bucket type thing with water. I sit down by his head and pull his head into my lap. I take a washcloth (I didn't know what else to use) and get it damp. I slowly start to run it through his hair. This is not working. Lets see I could um... I don't know. I'll just keep using the washcloth. After about ten minutes if doing that his hair was clean. I carefully picked him up and sat him on the couch. It's two in the morning but I'm not sleeping until I know he's okay.

Two hours have passed and I'm still sitting next to the couch waiting. I am about to go to sleep when I see the most beautiful green eyes staring into mine, confused.


Hello! I tried to make it longer so I hope it is. And oh yeah tell me what you think is going to happen

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