Chapter One

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I was walking down a long winding road in search of a gas station... to get gas...for my car...obviously. Anyway it was cold and getting dark. Why am I walking out here so late you ask.

I decided to go and pick up my best friends, Halsten and Joslin, and get our hair redone. We do it every once in a while. Again off track, so I, being the awesome person I am, went to pick them up. I was going to stop to get gas at the closest gas station, but ran out of gas before I got there. A little bit before that my phone died.

I got out of my car and started walking. I didn't know where I was going or if I was going the right way but I didn't care. At the time I thought anything was better then sitting and waiting for a nonexistent car to come down this back road. I was wrong. So so wrong, it got dark too fast and it was way too quiet.

Once the sun went down I expected sounds like crickets, wind in leaves, and bushes rustling. But nope I had to walk in a dead silence.

Up ahead I thought I saw lights and felt a surge of hope. Maybe I'm finally close, I thought mentally sighing in relief.

As I edged closer I saw a Turkey Hill sign and did a mini happy dance. I reached the gas station and went inside. I got some drinks and a flashlight and went to get some gas. As I left the Turkey Hill I felt more happy and walked a little more at ease.

Getting to the car, I filled it with the gas and turned it on sighing in relief when the car starts. I plugged in my phone and as soon as it came on I called Joslin knowing she would be with Halsten.

She picked up on the first ring, "Taylor! Where were you!? Ohmygod we were so worried and it's late and you said you'd be here by five and-"

"I know I'm so sorry I ran out of gas and I'm on my way over." I said cutting her off before she had a panic attack. "Is Halsten there too?" I then asked.

"Yeah, sleepover time!" Halsten's voice squealed into my ear.

"You're lucky we always have clothes at each others houses." I said putting her on speaker so I don't crash.

"Yeah yeah. Admit it you still would have came." she replied laughing into the phone.

''Yeah I probably would have. I'm gonna go now, see you when I get there. Love you!"

"Bye love you!'' they shout right back. Oh this will be an interesting weekend.

When I pulled into the small house the first thing I notice it how almost all the lights are on. Walking up closer I see them standing at the door waving like idiots.

"Taylor! Hi!" Joslin shouted as she and Halsten fly at me. Well more like attack me. We all fell on the ground laughing. Wow they must of been really worried about me.

"Make sure your extra careful now, there is a lot of people going missing!" Joslin shouted.

"We thought maybe it happened to you too!" Halsten said worried. She looked around a little nervous then added, "Lets go inside and see if Samara can come over too."

We rushed into the house falling on each other and laughing so hard we cry. Joslin stepped out of the room and shortly came back saying "Her cars in the shop but, if someone picks her up?" She said looking at me; her eyes pleading.

"I'll go," I sigh and stand up only to be tackled into a group.

"Be safe and don't be... Stupid?" Halsten all but shouted as she shoved me out of the door.


Mmkay my awesome readers tell me what you think. What's going to happen? What do you want to happen? What do you think is going to happen? Why am I asking all these questions? Anyway I really hope you enjoy I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing with this one so I should upload sooner. P.S iwishiwasbritish I'm sorry I changed your name lol. Bye!

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