Unexpected hero

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Parties were exactly your forte.

But when Nancy begged you to come to this party with her, you just couldn’t refuse, she was one of your closest friends after all you need to help a girl out.

That’s how you ended up in the middle of the living room at Scoot Miller's house dancing with Nancy as you both balanced solo cups the amber liquid moving around with your movement. Nancy stumbled slightly giggling as she almost dropped her fourth drink of the night, yourself not even being done with your first. Laughing you wrap an arm around her holding her steady being sure she doesn’t drop her cup.

“Let's groove tonight, Share the spice of life!” Nancy yells with the music making you laugh at her drunk state. You definitely would have to take her home tonight. “Baby slice it right, We're gonna groove tonight!” Nancy holds her cup towards you smiling at you almost light she was serenading you. Smiling big at your friend, you sing with her getting lost in the dance with her and everyone around you.

Billy eyed you from across the room. Watching how carefree you were with Nancy Wheeler dancing with her. He could tell you weren’t wasted just by how you looked and danced. You looked maybe a little buzzed but not has damn hammered as Nancy was who literally laid on top of you dancing. Glancing over at Scoot who stood with him and their small group of basketball friends noticed how hammered he was too. Wait, why wasn’t I hammered? Billy mentally questioned himself looking down into his cup noticing it was definitely a mixture of alcohol.

Taking a big gulp of the drink, he eyes you from afar again through lashes. Your hair was messy, like you’ve been throwing it around while dancing. You were having such a great time and weren’t even wasted.

“I’m gonna go to the bathroom!” Nancy yells over the music before stumbling off. You want to follow her but notice her bump into Johnathan before watching him help her to the bathroom. You knew he had a thing for her and she for him. Some late night confessions about how she felt her and Steve’s relationship was dwindling as a new face popped into her life more often.

Sighing you finish your drink before making your way back to the kitchen to find another one. You felt hot and the room was stuffy but you were determined to have a good time with Nancy and show her a good time. You felt eyes burning in the back of your head where you stood causing you too look over your shoulder.

Across the kitchen Billy stood with his group of guys from the basketball team leaning back against the counter a smirk plastered on his face. You blush, his intimidating stare making you melt inside. You always thought Billy was attractive. But his attitude didn’t stand a chance. The couple of times you both have interacted he was charming, his shirt always unbuttoned at the top making it really hard not to stare.

Your gaze with Billy was broken when you felt someone touch your arm catching your attention and turning back straight to see who it was. Mark, the biggest jock and prick on the basketball team was smirking at you causing your face to scrunch up slightly in annoyance.

“It’s Nancy, Y/n she is puking her guts out upstairs in the guest bathroom. You need to take her home.”Your face falls as you rush past him leaving the cup behind. Billy watches you run up the stairs and notices Mark follow after you at a slower pace making him worry. Sighing he sets his cup down a pane of jealousy hitting him the heart. He growls eyes dark as he makes it way to the stairs.

Rushing into the guest room you run to the connected bathroom looking for Nancy.

“Nance?” The nickname fell on deaf ears once you notice no one in the bathroom. “Wha…” You turn around quickly when you hear the door clicking shut the lock snapping into place. Fear rushed through your body as you walked out of the bathroom quickly and are immediately ambushed by Marks strong body. Screaming you’re thrown to the bed as Mark forces himself on top of you holding your body down with his. Kicking and screaming you hope someone will hear over the loud music from downstairs as tears spill from your eyes. Mark jumps when the door is suddenly broken open no warning involved of someone trying to open it them just immediately barging in. Billy stands in the room now fuming at the sight of Mark trying to force himself on top of you.

Rushing over Billy gives Mark no time to think before he is yanked off of you and punched so hard in the nose you hear a crack watching him crumble to the floor.

“Don’t you dare ever fucking touch her again you hear me?!” Punching him one more time for good measure successfully knocking him out.

Billy rushes to the bed quickly gathering you in his strong arms and holding you tightly to his chest. Grabbing onto him, you cry softly into his neck letting out all of the sudden emotion that came rushing through you. Billy quietly held you close, scared that if he said anything you would break and run away from him. Softly he rubs your back with the tips of his knuckles hoping to comfort you in some way. His skin was hot under your touch. His anger getting the best of him once again yet this time you didn’t mind, more thankful actually.

“Come on princess I’ll bring you home with him.” Mumbling softly into your hair as he helped you up. You stuck to his side as you left the crowded house the music still blaring loudly in your ear. Once to his famous car he opens the door for you to get in before closing it behind you.

You held Billy’s arm the whole drive to his house. His arm resting on the center console allowing you to get a grip on him. You weren’t as shooken up anymore, but being close to Billy made you feel safe. He rescued you from a situation that you didn’t even want to think about.

He was your hero.

Pulling up to his house, he quickly turns the engine off hoping he didn’t wake his dad and step mom. Sighing he helps you inside holding your hand as you went leading you to his room. You walk in first not noticing him stop and notice Max peeking her head out of her bedroom door. Waving his hand at her to go back into her room and closes his door quietly locking it to ensure his parents don’t show up. He finds you sitting on the edge of his bed tired eyes drooping softly.

“Nothing will happen to you princess. Not while I’m around.”Tossing his denim jacket on his dresser before coming to sit next to you. You lean into him immediately catching him off guard. He looks down at you before wrapping an arm around you holding you close.

“Thank you, Billy.” Nodding he rubs your arm.

“Of course Y/n.” Looking up at him, you rest your head on his shoulder blushing softly when you notice how close you both were to each other.

“How did you know?”Raising an eyebrow at you, he goes to ask.“How did you know he would do that to me?”His grip tightened around me.

“I...just have an instinct when it comes to danger.”He tries to calm himself slightly staring into your e/c eyes.“I wouldn’t let anything ever hurt you again, Y/n.”Your cheeks become a deeper shade of pink at his words.

You reach up and cup his cheek in your hand rubbing his cheekbone softly with your thumb before pulling him forward connecting your lips. He  immediately responds letting you control the kiss worried he would push you. Pulling away you bump your nose against his smiling softly at him.

“You’re my hero Billy Hargrove.”

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