Crazy for you

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Billy scoped out everyone in his new school already.

He knew which groups there was and where they all sat in the lunchroom. He was very observant even when he wasn’t trying to be. But there was one person he didn’t seem to notice completely until today. And that was you.

He doesn’t know how he didn’t really notice you on the first day he started attending Hawkins High school. He watched you from the lunch table he sat at with some of the basketball jocks he's become kinda friends with as you walked into the room a bright smile on your face seeming just like a ray of sunshine. Anybody you walked by they called out to you, asking you a question or simple commenting on something that made you laugh and continue on to the next person.

It was like you were part of every little social group that was formed in this damn high school. When you finally made it to your table you sat on the top inbetween a girl and boy who were both in his chemistry class while two other guys sat on the other side one giving you a fist bump was when he realized he was staring. Obviously one guy at the table noticed.

“ Thats y/n, she's probably the coolest girl at this school. “ He quickly went back to another conversation when Billy shot him a look before looking back over at you where you were laughing with your groups of friends.

He didn’t think he believed in love at first sight until now.

You tapped your pencil against your desk as you leaned back sighing at the teachers lecture. You couldn’t wait for the end of class because he let everyone get ready to leave and mingle with everyone. When your spanish teacher was done, you stuffed your books and work into your backpack and froze.

Looking up and behind you in the next isle Billy sat leaning back in his seat staring at you with a look in his eyes. You raise an eyebrow sitting straight up from your leaned forwards position.

“ What you looking at, Hargrove?” You asked smirking watching as his eyes widen as you caught him staring. He smirks shrugging.

“ You tell me, sweetheart

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“ You tell me, sweetheart.” You laugh shaking your head before standing up when the bell rings. Billy stands quickly and tries catching up with you as you leave. But gets stopped by everyone trying to leave too. 

He groans irritated before jumping over the desk into the next isle and running out of the room to see you halfway down the hall waving to your Chemistry teacher, who you were supposed to be going to class for, making them look at you confused as you walked past them. He chuckles before following after you as you left the school obviously leaving early.

He runs out of the school following you too your car making you turn around when you heard him approaching.

“ Yes, Billy?” You asked confused. He sighs finally catching up to you again.

“ I just…” He felt that he couldn’t speak. He didn’t exactly know why he followed after you. Or at least he didn’t think he knew. He just wanted some excuse to see you or hang out that he didn’t really think this through. His lack of response made your smile softly before smirking and opening your car door.

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