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JOHN AND I were dressed to the nines for the fourth night in a row, hoping that this would be the night we finally got to speak to Leon Brockman.

We spent the previous night visiting the other clubs on the list, just to make sure Abe Stenson was telling the truth about Brockman owning them all, and we unfortunately found out that he was.

There was no way we could get these clubs to individually sign the contracts to buy our gin, so we had to go straight to the top. And here we stood, outside the biggest club I had ever seen in my life; seemingly hundreds of people piling in and close to zero people leaving.

This was the big daddy of the London nightclub scene: The Sapphire Casino and Bar.

The Sapphire was known all around London for being the most extravagant place for miles around, and I had managed to get John and myself on the guest list. Granted, it was mostly John's threats that got us on it, but I liked to think my sweet-talking is what bagged it for us.

"Ready?" John asked, holding out his arm as we stood on the street opposite The Sapphire. I could tell he was nervous as he wasn't used to speaking to businessmen; he usually surrounded himself with thugs and gangsters. I had told him to be on his best behaviour, and I knew how much he hated being told what to do.

"Yes." I linked my arm with his and we crossed the road, approaching the bouncer who was holding a book in his hand.

"Evening, Sir. Name?"

I had also told John to get used to doing most of the talking as women weren't taken as seriously in places like these.

"Shelby." John replied, his authoritative tone making me smile slightly. I always liked when he took charge, though I'd never admit it to him.

"Go right in, Sir. Ma'am." The bouncer nodded slightly as he let us enter the prestigious club.

It was loud, to say the least. Bright lights illuminated every corner, the smell of tobacco and alcohol consuming my senses.

"Should I bother trying to get a drink or are we just gonna go straight to the big guy?"

I rolled my eyes at John and gently linked my arm with his, looking around at all the strange faces. "Let's just speak to Brockman and get out of here as soon as possible."

"What; you don't like it here?" John asked as we walked through the dancefloor.

I shrugged, "It isn't really my cup of tea."

"Come on, you're allowed to have a bit of fun in life." John stopped walking and turned to me, placing his hands on my waist. "Let's dance."

I let out a laugh, my eyes darting to the side. "I-I don't know, John, Tommy sent us here on business."

"What's business without a little pleasure?" And with that, he placed my hands on his shoulder and put his on my hips, beginning to sway to the music. Although there were many other couples doing the exact same as us, I couldn't help but feel out of place and as though we were doing something ludicrous. John noticed my discomfort and placed a finger under my chin, raising my head so my eyes met his.

"Relax, darlin'. Nobody's looking at us; and if they are it's because they're jealous of how beautiful you are."

I couldn't help but give a small smile as he spoke, his voice being the one sound that could ever bring me comfort. But I could never admit that.

"Or maybe they're jealous because I'm dancing with the most handsome man here?" I countered, my heart swelling as he blushed slightly and laughed.

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