Main Story: 1

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Violetta ran after the voice of Cuphead. He, their purple cup sister she didn't know the name of yet and Mugman had showed up, causing the group to immediately bolt. Cuphead went after Bendy, and Violetta ran after them. Purple and Mugman stayed behind. She wasn't sure why, but they weren't making a move to hurt anyone, she just wanted to make sure Bendy was okay.

"Where you going with those tiny feet of yours?"

"UGGHH-" She heard a loud thump. Then Cuphead laughed.

"Ha! You clumsy little cuss!"

Violetta's eyes widened, and she pushed herself to go faster. She quickly turned a corner, nearly tripping, and looked up to see Bendy on the ground and Cuphead standing above him. "Any last words?"

Violetta ran ahead, quickly shoving herself in between Bendy and Cuphead. She realized Bendy was having an ink attack, and she quickly shoved his bag towards him with his foot before glaring at the cup, arms out in a small effort to protect Bendy.

Cuphead huffed. "What the cuss are you doing? Outta the way, I gotta job to do."

She shook her head firmly. "!" She cried, squeezing her eyes shut. "Please, just let me help him! Don't shoot this time!" She begged.

The cup didn't answer, and she hesitantly looked up at him to see him staring at Bendy in confusion and somewhat disgust as the demon tried to control his screams. "UGH! So annoying! Fine!" He shouted, storming off and standing to the side, back to them. "We'll continued this some other time, when you aren't crying like a little baby!"

Violetta felt tears spring to her eyes, turning and falling to her knees next to Bendy, grabbing a cloth from her bag and a water bottle to soak it before gently wiping his face, whispering small, soothing words to him. She tried not to flinch every time he screamed, and held back the tears at seeing him in pain like this as she continuesly wiped away the ink until it finally stopped again. Bendy laid limp on the ground, and she brought him close to her, resting her chin between his horns.

She startled when a gruff voice came from behind again. "He done?"

Violetta turned towards Cuphead, blinking away a few tears a nodding. "Y-yeah.."

He huffed through his nose. "What the cuss was that?" He asked her. She pursed her lips and turned back to Bendy, glancing at his face to see he was asleep.

"Its called Ink Illness. It's a deadly disease with no cure, yet. As you can see, Bendy is one of the unfortunate who has it."

"Huh." Cuphead walked infront of them, looking at her. "If you carry him, we'll go find the wolf pup and my siblings. I'm letting you off this one time." He said.

Violetta stared at him in almost disbelief, before smiling gratefully. "Th-thank you..!" He huffed again, turning away while ducking into his coat. She quickly gathered hers and Bendy's things, stuffing them into her bag before standing, picking Bendy up bridal-style. She was a lot stronger than she looked, and it wasn't that hard to carry him.

She followed Cuphead, who was staring ahead with his hands stuffed in his pockets, not saying a word. She didn't mind the silence. Soon enough they found Boris, the girl, and Mugman.. playing a card game..?

"WHY YOU TWO GOOD FOR NOTHINGS! You're playing with him?!" Cuphead exclaimed, startling Violetta and gaining the three's attention.

Boris looked over and gasped. "Bendy!" He barked in worry. Cuphead shoved Violetta over, making her stumble into Boris. "Here you go! They were ticking me off with their whining," Cuphead said. "How am I supposed to enjoy beating the stars outta him if he's already in pain?"

Purple scowled at Cuphead. "Bro, you can shut your trap now." He glared at her.

"Shut it, Tazz."

Boris had caught Violetta and Bendy from falling, and the two stared in confusion at Cuphead, Bendy being held between them. Cuphead hooked a finger around Mugmans handle, dragging him off. It looked like it hurt. "Come on, you worthless mug."

"Ow ow ow-"

'Tazz' followed, scolding Cuphead.

They stalked off quickly, and Violetta turned to Boris. "Bendy's okay now, right? I did the best I could, but I've only been there for two other attacks and Cuphead was right there the whole time and-"

"Woah, slow down!" Boris said, smiling softly at her. "I'm glad he had someone with him, he's never had one alone before. It helps to have someone. And of course he's okay, you did a great job!" He told her, looking down at Bendy's now peaceful expression. "Y'know, that mean guy actually really helped! Even if he wasn't very nice about it, but he left you alone, didn't he?"

Violetta nodded with a small breath. "Yeah.. I was scared he wouldn't listen, but..." She shrugged. "They let us go this time, so we don't have to worry about them for a while. Let's find somewhere to stay for now. Besides! Mickey's Circus is tomorrow!"

Boris' eyes lit up. "Oh yeah!" He grinned. "C'mon, it's a little late but there might be a small hotel around here."

The two of them stood, Boris carrying Bendy, and started walking. Violetta smiled softly. 'Well, things turned out surprisingly okay this time..' She thought to herself happily.

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