Main Story: 4

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It was a day after the incident with the cup trio. It had been late afterwards so after getting Violetta patched up, they stayed at their hotel to rest up. Violetta hoped to death that Mugman was alright, but was also rather paranoid that she'd see the other two any minute now.

Boris still wasn't completely over it. To be honest, neither was Violetta really, but she wasn't about to say that. Bendy didn't care much but was willing to try and help out his brother. But Violetta could see it was getting on his nerves.

At the moment, they were walking back to their hotel room, hoping to get some food before they got ready to leave tomorrow. Bendy was walking ahead, Boris and Violetta together behind him.

" you think he'll be alright?" Boris quietly asked her.

The cat turned and smiled softly up at him, knowing who 'he' was. "I'm sure he will be. He's strong. The other two wouldn't have left him alone, not unless they were sure he would be a hundred percent safe. Plus, the doctors around here are really good at what they do." She said, referring to her own already half-healed injury.

Boris nodded, but clearly didn't stop thinking about it, as tears filled his eyes soon enough.

Violetta's eyes widened. "No no no, hey, don't cry!" She fretted, hands waving in front of her as she didn't have a clue what to do with them.

Bendy groaned, patience finally snapping. "For the love of- why are you crying Boris?! Think of what they've been trying to do, what they probably have done! They all deserve to die!"

Violetta gasped slightly at that, giving the demon a light glare. She didn't believe anyone truly deserved to die, no matter how crappy they could get.

Bendy winced, realizing his mistake.

Boris sniffled. "B-but they didn't seem all that bad...something or someone is making them do this, I just know it!" He said, rubbing harshly at the tears threatening to fall. "The poor girl, she shot her own brother..."

Violetta gave Bendy a 'help-out-here!' look, gesturing to the sad wolf. Bendy grimaced, before glancing at Boris again and his expression softened. He stepped in front of his brother, pulling him down gently and placing a hand on his head. "Aww it's ok Boris. It'll be alright, they're all strong goofs, they'll be okay."

Hoping that next time we see them, they aren't insane though, Brielle thought to herself awkwardly, but smiled and pet Boris' ear in comfort.

Bendy then squashed Boris' cheeks and nuzzled their noses (or lack thereof) together. "Now, where's my happy wittle wolfy?"

Boris mumbled something they couldn't hear.

"I can't here you!" Bendy sang.

"Here I am!" Boris finally answered, a smushed smile on his lips.


Violetta gave a small shriek in surprise, turning to see Mickey and a few others running down the street towards them, Mickey looking extremely concerned. "Are you crying?" He asked (kinda stupid question honestly) when he reached them. He completely ignored the other two, going straight to the wolf.

"M...M-Mr Mickey?!"

Mickey hugged the wolfs head to his chest. Violetta snickered at how hard he was blushing. "Oh you poor thing, it's ok, I'll always be here for you."

Donald stuck his head over. "No you won't!" He hissed. Violetta raised a brow at the duck, smirking slightly. This was kind of funny, honestly.

She turned to Bendy. "Jeez, he looks a little too happy, considering he was just half-sobbing," she whispered. Bendy nodded, frowning at the mouse with his arms crossed.

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