Chapter 1

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"It's finally Friday!" Alvin said cheerfully as he dropped his schoolbag next to his bed. "I've been waiting for this day entire week" he jumped on top of his bed bouncing of it a couple of times before coming to rest. "It is so unfair that there are only two days where you can actually do what you want. Who even invented this?". "First of all, people who invented this are actually way smarter then you" Simon answered as he entered the room just few seconds after Alvin "and believe it or not, but they want you to do good in your life. And second you will still have to find some time for revision, instead of playing those games" unlike his brother he properly placed his back on the floor instead of tossing it all across the room. "Get over it " Alvin rolled his eyes "I'm not going to spend the entire weekend on revision. Unlike you I actually have a life" he responded angrily. He hated every time his brother would tell him what to do as if he was his parent. He always was acting like he was so much better then him, with all those grades, achievements and science trophies, but the truth was that Alvin could also be as good as he was if he would just want to. "Hi Alvin, hi Simon" Theodore just walked into the room closing the door behind him. He was the slowest and so would always come as the last one, often accompanied by heavy breathing. "Hi Theo" Simon always seemed to be kinder and friendlier to Theodore then he would to him, but this wasn't really a big of a deal for Alvin. All he wanted was for Simon to leave him alone. He jumped of his bed. He was actually planning on getting a nap, but there was no way he could even close his eyes for a second without being reprimanded by Simon. "And where are you going Alvin?" he heard Simon's voice just when he was about to pull down the door handle. "That's none of your business" Alvin was now really getting frustrated with him and was really close to blowing up with anger. "What about that Maths test on Monday?" he added making Alvin freeze. His throat was now completely dry, and heart was pounding in his chest like crazy "What test?" he finally manged to pull out a sentence. "O, it's nothing to worry about." Simon notice the sudden change in Alvin's behavior and decided to play with him "Or at least you don't have to. After all you're probably going to fail it again, making it a third time in a year I think resulting in..." "Well whatever it is" Alvin decided to interrupt him in the middle of the sentence "there is no way I am going to fail it, so there is no need to for all that talk". He looked over at Simon to see whenever his brother believed in his lie, but his raised eyebrow was telling him something else. The truth was Alvin perfectly knew what will happen if he would fail the test this time around. The teacher will probably call Dave in, resulting in him being grounded for at least three weeks with no phone, no computer no nothing. "You know, despite your behavior I could still help you, if there is something you don't know" his brother suddenly broke the silence. After hearing this Alvin was really close to saying something back, but he suddenly realized that Theo was still present in the room so instead he just rustled "Well unlike you, I don't need anyone else to help me. I'm fine on my own." "Whatever you say" not wanting to get into a fight Simon just picked up his schoolbag and walked out of the room. "Why can't you just ask Simon for help" Theodore who wasn't present in the room the entire time slowly started to figure out what the whole argue was about. "I did and he really explained everything to me very well. Thanks to him I already passed two of our tests". Alvin took a deep breath before answering. He didn't want to shout on Theo. After all he wasn't like Simon. He was actually the only one in the whole family that would be kind to him and would never argue with him or call him names. Simon would always get into fight with him and always emphasized how much smarter then he, he is. Dave on the other hand always gave him orders and tasks without even saying one nice word to him. Theodore was therefore the only person in the whole family that he could count on. He was always willing to listen to him; however, asking him for help or advice wasn't the best idea, as he would always turn him to Simon or Dave. Alvin was actually missing someone whom he might talk to, someone who would listen to him, help him, understand him. He tried to talk to Brittany a couple of times already, but she only cared about herself. She never listed to him and so he realized that she might not be the right person for him. The more he thought about it the more he was convinced that no one would ever understand him. Suddenly he realized that he still hasn't answered his little brother who now was now curiously staring right at him. "Well since I am actually much better then Simon, I doubt I will need his help" Alvin tried to maintain a convinced voice. "Are you sure?" Theo still didn't want to let him go so easy "I mean after all you failed the test twice so maybe it will be a good idea to...". "No need for that Theo" Alvin didn't even let him finish the sentence. There was no point since he knew too well where this was heading to. "Look I have a lot of stuff to go through and only three days for it so if you wouldn't mind I would start now" he tried to be as kind and nice and possible making sure that his tone would sound as confident as possible. This seemed to work as Theodore nodded and quickly left the room leaving Alvin all to himself. As hard as it was he manged to take the books out and heaving to stare at the front textbook page for few minutes he finally started to revise. Over an hour has passed when he finally gave up. He tried really hard, but none of information was getting into his head. The text looked ancient and examples that where apparently there to help him where in fact no use to him. Not even a single sentence he somehow manged to read didn't make any sense. He angrily closed the book and tossed it across the room tearing few pages out. He knew that there was no way he would manage to revise all of it on his own. However, he didn't want to ask Simon for help as he knew he would start to make fun out of him telling him how stupid he is before finally agreeing to help him. For a second he thought that maybe Theodore could help him, but he soon realized that his little brother will probably just send him to Simon. He concentrated really hard trying to think of something when he suddenly saw a flashing light outside his window. He got up and in just few seconds he was already next to window looking outside of it. For a second he got really scared as he thought that something was on fire, but soon he realized that this was just in fact the light from the chipettes house. He turned away when it suddenly struck him. There was no need to ask Simon for help at all. After all he could just ask Jeanette for it! She was as smart as Simon or maybe even smarter. She was also great at explaining stuff and would never say anything that would offend him. She also always listed to him and always seemed to care about him. He quickly picked up his book realizing that few pages where teared out and where still laying all across the room. As fast as he could he picked all of them up and stuffed them all to his textbook. He then placed it in his schoolbag and once again took a quick glanced out of the window. He wanted to make sure that the chipettes where there so that he would come across any unwanted surprises, but everything seem to be fine. The light in the living room was lit as well as the light in the bedroom. He quickly smiled in relief before turning around as he saw Jeanette in front of her desk. She was just sitting there, but there was still something to it that Alvin found...appealing? No, he quickly shook his head. That wasn't possible. Or was it? Heaving to think about it, Jeanette was the only one who would listen to him and offer him help every time he needed it. Perhaps there was something more to her then Alvin initially thought. With that in mind he slowly picked up his bag and unhurriedly walked out of the room shutting the door behind him thinking about Jeanette all the way up to her house.

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