Chapter 5

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An hour has passed which to Alvin's surprise didn't even felt that long. This was really interesting as usually he never spend more than few minutes revising with half an hour being the absolute maximum. However, having Jeanette beside him he knew he could even spend the entire night with his head stuck in the books. Besides he actually started to understand the material thanks to Jeanette and every time she would test him with few question, he would always get them right (well, most of them anyway). If he would just know before how fun it is to study with her, he would ask her for tutoring at the very start of the year. She explained everything so well and every time she did speak up her calm and warm, yet confident tone added an extra bit of charm to her appearance that Alvin just couldn't resist. He now was in the middle of answering a new set of questions that Jeanette has prepared for him while trying to figure out how he could strike up a conversation with her. Luckily for him Jeanette did it first "Wow, Alvin you did it again!" she exclaimed as soon as Alvin finished writing down his final answer. "Did, you just calculated all of this in your head?" Alvin still couldn't get over the fact how fast she could work out all of the questions. "Don't worry from what I see you're soon going to be as good as me, or maybe even better" she gave him a friendly smile. "Well that's obviously never going to happen. I'll be happy if I could at least pass that test". "Of course, you're going to pass it" Jeanette was shocked to hear this kind of criticism coming from Alvin. "Look at how well you've answered all of the questions. We have been revising for just an hour and you're already flying through this stuff, just like I predicted at the start remember?". "Yes, I guess you're right" Alvin unwittingly smiled "I really do owe you a lot, thanks. Without you're help I wouldn't even stand a chance to pass this test" he added. "I'm always more willing than help" Jeanette answered. For a while she was really tempted to ask Alvin why he didn't ask Simon for help since they're both brothers and were even living in the same house, but she was still afraid that he might get offended in some way. However now that she saw that Alvin's behavior change slightly for better she thought she might as well risk it "Look Alvin, can I ask you something" she started slowly. "Of course, whatever you want" he answered curiously. "Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love to help you and that's not a problem in any way, but why didn't you ask Simon to help you with this stuff in the first place?" she finished waiting for Alvin to get mad and say something back, but that did not happen. Instead Alvin took a deep breath and answered after few seconds "I didn't ask him, because I knew he would start making fun out of me before finally agreeing to help me. I didn't want to get into fight with him again, I guess I'm just getting too tired of him constantly giving me a hard time" he stopped and as discreetly as possible he tried to wipe off the tears that just came to his eyes. He really wanted to explained more to Jeanette, but he knew that if he's going to say one more word his voice is going to break, and he will definitely start crying. He didn't even have enough strength to look at Jeanette who was more than shocked to here this. She always thought that Simon was so nice and kind and perhaps he was, but only if she was around. "I'm sorry, I didn't know that. I always thought that you actually enjoyed arguing with him" she explained gently. "It's ok..." Alvin slowly started to gain control over himself as tears begin to disappear and his voice went back to normal "...but I can hardly imagine anyone who would actually enjoy arguing". Jeanette was once again totally surprised by what Alvin just said. She always thought that Alvin was the troublemaker type, and would never even guess he could ever change, and yet here he was almost totally broken down, helpless and abandoned by everyone. She even started to imagine how hard it must have been for him to live with people that could never understand him and would only argue with him without even trying to gain any sort of understanding about him. She felt really bad for him, especially after she realized that she was in fact one of them. She gently moved her chair closer to Alvin and closed him in a warm and gentle hug bringing his head closer to her body. Now with Alvin being closer to her she could hear his quite sobbing. She brought her hand up and gently stroked his head with her paw. After few seconds have passed Alvin's sobbing started to get more quieter and Jeanette had to admit that she actually enjoyed the way that their revision class turned up. She really enjoyed having Alvin right next to her especially know when she discovered his true personality. Unfortunately, things didn't staid like that for too long as soon they heard footsteps outside the room and before they could even react bedroom door opened and to their surprise Brittany emerged. "Hey, I know how hard you two have been studying so I thought that you might be quite..." she stopped as soon as she saw Jeanette stroking Alvin that was laying right next to her "...hungry" she finished in totally different tone. Expression on her face also changed and for a second, she felt like she could murder Jeanette. She couldn't believe her sister would even do such a thing to her, she thought that she could trust her, but after what she just saw she knew she would never be able to trust her again. "Look Brittany it's not what you think" Jeanette was the first one to realize what the whole situation must have looked from Brittany's perspective and from the furious expression on her face she could tell that she definitely wasn't happy in what she just saw. Perhaps Brittany felt something towards Alvin? She never knew that somebody like Brittany could even feel anything towards somebody like Alvin, but after all neither did she. She could bet anything that Brittany also got captivated by Alvin's sudden personality change and she couldn't say she blamed her for that. "You know what forget it! Sorry for interrupting you two. It looks like your revision was about to hit the next level. How stupid of me to even think that you might want to get something to eat. Please don't even mind me, continue whatever you've been doing. O and one more thing, if anybody would come looking for me, I will be downstairs with Eleanor eating dinner that only took me an hour to make!" she added before furiously slamming the door behind her.

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