Chapter 6

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"Why did I had to be so stupid? I just lost the one person I cared about the most!" Brittany's reaction just made Alvin realize how much he actually loved and cared about her. He couldn't stand the fact that he manged to hurt her once again. It even started to look like hurting people he loved the most was the thing he was best at doing. He quickly stood up from his chair. He couldn't stand the fact that because of his careless behavior he might just loose the person who less than an hour ago helped to cheer him up, the person who he was planning to spend the rest of his life with. She even spend an hour to make a dinner for him, which just proved how much better than he she was. "I have to do something" he said to himself in the sudden act of despair. He quickly tried to think about something that might help to unscrew this situation, but nothing sensible was coming to his head. "Don't worry Alvin I'll go and explain everything to Brittany" Jeanette tried to calm him down without any success. He still was walking around the room looking more and more desperate with each passing second constantly talking something to himself. "Alvin will you even listen to me? I said I'll go explain everything to her" she repeated once again without any success. Finally, after seeing that Alvin's condition has drastically worsen, she decided to come looking for Brittany without even trying to notify Alvin. She quickly run up to the door and left the room without Alvin noticing. She knew that despite everything her sister had said she will not find her in the kitchen. It didn't take a genius to figure out that the last thing she will be able to do is eat. The most likely scenario was that she had sat in a quite and isolated place and was now crying to herself. The question was – where was this place? She stopped in the middle of living room trying to figure out where did Brittany decided to head. "She run outside, if you're looking for her". At first Jeanette didn't even heard her sister, she was way too concentrated. It wasn't until the second time she realized that Eleanor was standing few meters away talking to her. "She run outside" Eleanor repeated. "Why was she in such a hurry anyway?" she asked. "No time to explain, but thanks for letting me now" Jeanette answered and without saying anything else she headed outside as fast as she could. She was just hoping that Brittany didn't decide to go too far, or else she might never even find her. As soon as she felt the night breeze, she started to think about all the different places that her sister might have headed to. Unfortunately, nothing apart from Dave's house was coming to her head. She decided she might as well start her search from there. However just when she was about to set off, she heard quite sobbing in the corner of the porch. She looked to her left just to find Brittany all on her own crying on the wooden bench with her knees pulled up to her chest. She looked absolutely heartbroken. "Brittany, I'm sorry for what just happen, but all I was trying to do is to lift Alvin's mood up a little bit" she started making sure her voice will be as gentle as possible while still being loud enough for her sister to hear "I would never even think about standing between you and Alvin". Her last sentence seemed to do the trick, as tears stopped coming to Brittany's eyes and she even lifted her head up a little bit to look at her sister. "If all you wanted is to cheer him up then why were you hugging him, stroking his head and looking at him in such a way! Too me a simple friendly hug would do the trick" Jeanette noticed how Brittany put an extra emphasis on the word friendly. Convincing Brittany suddenly didn't seem such an easy task anymore. Jeanette knew very well that her sister can be very stubborn and sometimes there is no way of convincing her unless she saw or experienced things on her own. However, in this situation there was no way those options would apply. The only other option she could think of was admitting about her feelings towards Alvin which wasn't necessarily something she was keen on doing, but alternative was losing her sister and Alvin losing the only person he ever loved. "Listen Brittany, there is no point in denying it, you're right" she started immediately noticing anger appearing on Brittany's face "I didn't really feel anything towards Alvin before, but now seeing him change so much I realized how much I actually love him. I can swear on whatever you want that all I was trying to do was to cheer him up back when you entered, but I might have made use of situation and took this a bit too far" she stopped for a second to look at Brittany. Her anger seemed to disappear and know she was sitting here curious what she is going to say next. She took a deep breath before concluding "I like Alvin, but not as much as he loves you. Right now, he is going crazy in the bedroom upstairs thinking of different ways he can unscrew this. He simply can't live without you. And believe me when I say I will never again try to stand in between you two" she finished hoping that she had said enough to convince her, after all she had said the pure and honest truth and if that wouldn't work then nothing probably will. Fortunately for her a concerned expression appeared on Brittany's face and without a single word she jumped off the bench and run inside the treehouse. "Well this went well" Jeanette said to herself in big relief. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2019 ⏰

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