Chapter 3

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(Himawari's P.O.V.)

The village didn't change at all, although I still felt a bit out of place but I thing I'll get used to it, besides this is my home, right? But I don't how they ill react...

"You are nervess aren't you?"


"You heard me."

"I guess..."

"Don't worry they won't be mad at you."

My big brother said that to me with a big smile which was smoothing and I realized how I have missed that smile, it took all of my worries way. Then a thought went passed my head.

"Here is Kawaki by the way?"

 "He's on a mission, don't worrie i'll be back soon."

 "Oh, ok"

While I kept on walking I looked closser at my brother and realized he had change more than I thought. He had grown taller, of couser but now resembled more my dad, the only thing he needed has a hair trim and you could call them twins!

"We're here."


"So, want to the honors?"

"Yeah, sure."

Dam it, I am tottaly not prepared for this!!! I can't freack out, calm down everything ill be fine, I think!?

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