moments like these

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It was moments like these that reminded her how much she loved to live.

Arms dangling over Sean's shoulders, face buried in his neck, legs wrapped tightly around his waist as he ran through the grass with her on his back.

Kaycee felt elation bubble up through the soles of her feet, up and up and up into her shoulders and climb bright red into her neck and face. All the elation spilled out of her through laughter as he let out celebratory cheers— bright, full, raucous giggles that reverberated through his body.

She yelped in alarm when he quickly stopped running and gently pushed her off his back, only to unceremoniously drop to the floor and pull her down with him. She felt like she was floating as he tucked her head into the crook of his neck and used his other arm to push her to his body at the waist. Their giggles mixed into a messy symphony as they rolled down the grassy hill, both squeezing their eyes shut and trying not to laugh too hard and accidentally inhale dirt.

It was moments like these that reminded her how much she loved to live.

They slowed to a stop at the bottom of the hill, still with their limbs all entangled in each other, trying to catch their breath and gain their senses back. She still had her head tucked in his shoulder and he still had his arm around her waist as they both settled into easy smiles, their chests quickly rising and falling in sync.

She turned to glance at him, only to find him already looking at her. She could feel her cheeks grow warm as his floppy hair brushed softly against her skin, his eyes watery from how hard they were laughing. They were full of words they couldn't speak, wouldn't dare to speak, but she understood nonetheless.

"Hey," he whispered, cautious not the break the spell of silence suddenly cast over the two of them.

"Hey," she whispered back, caressing his cheek with her thumb.

It was moments like these that reminded her how much she loved to live.


Hi! So I really just don't know what the hell this is. These two make me soft and I just thought I'd let my imagination run wild on paper (or.. screen?) :) I don't really plan on updatin this regularly, just whenever I'm feeling extra soft, but yea! Vote and comment and stuff if you feel like it, if not that's perfectly fine too. Have a wonderful day y'all!! <3

(Disclaimer, these snippets are purely just based on my imagination and kind of just translated loosely into seaycee - all of these are works of FICTION) (ok I'm done) (bye bye)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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