2p Japan X Reader- Blasting Music

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((Im still working on the requests, right now, Im giving you something to read. :P I promise, I will post them soon. So, I hope you like this story, and it entertains you.))

You huffed and plopped onto your bed. Another annoying day with the Axis powers. Italy wouldn't stop bugging you about being lazy, which you weren't. Germany was bugging you about not being lazy, saying that you talk too much, or move around too much. Japan hasn't said anything to you, which was surprising, actually. He usually talks to you when you get back from doing whatever. Maybe he was just tired. Speaking of tired, you were pretty worn out yourself.

You were training with the 1p Axis Powers today, much to the 2p's disgrace. Ludwig was trying to push you over the limit, while Italy was over the limit, so he layed there, passed out on the ground while you worked your butt off. Every now and then, you would let your eyes travel to Kiku. He was a calm, sweet, and relaxing person. You couldn't help but to develop a slight feeling for him. Then again, you still loved the Japanese man's 2p, Kuro. You began to think about Kuro.

How his hair was perfectly placed over his eyes slightly, his peircing dark red eyes that held emotion, but had trouble showing it. Unlike his 1p, he didn't mind his personal space, and he didn't mind yours either. Constantly, he would hug you, whisper in your ear, or kiss your cheek. Just to make you blush. That's it. He just wanted you to blush. Well, that's what he told you.

After a few minutes of being lost in a trance, you shoved your face into the silk sheets of your bed, letting sleep wrap you in a tight hug. As you were about to fall asleep, loud music could be heard from the room next to you. You groaned loudly. On the left side of your room, was Lutz, since he insisted on being there to bug the hell out of you. On the right side, was Kuro, since he also wanted to bug the hell out of you. Lutz surely wouldn't be blasting music, if he did, it would be hard metal or something loud and erotic. You glared to the right side of your wall, even though Kuro couldn't see it.

After finding enough energy to stand and walk, you walked into the hallway and banged on Kuro's door. The music shut off and the door creaked open, though nobody was opening it. Your eyebrows furrow and you step inside. Just as you were about to call his name, bright red surrounded your body in a magical mist. Your eyes widen quickly and you try to step away from the weird strings of bright red that caressed your body. Every step you made, it followed. You stood still, knowing it wouldn't stop following you. As you gave in, it finally caressed all of your body in bright red light. You closed your eyes tightly, waiting for something to happen. As if the wind told you to, you opened your eyes slowly and looked down. Your shorts and tank-top had changed into a delicate, dark red dress that stopped at your knees. The hem was adorned with white waves of transparent lining. You stepped back in slight shock, seeing the black heels that had magically been placed on your feet. Black leggings that stopped at mid-thigh, a few rips here and there. You look at your hands; fingerless white gloves that reached your elbows. Your nails were a dark shade of platinum. Reaching up, you placed a hand on your head, getting confused. Your hair wasn't down like it was earlier. You ran over to a mirror that was placed in Kuro's room and look in it. Your hair was done elegantly into a messy bun that rested on the top of your head, a white rose was placed behind your ear, tilting up slightly. You studied your face; blood red lipstick, grey eye-shadow, and a light amount of blush that was dusted across your cheeks. You had to admit. You looked amazing. Even though you were still confused, you walked back out of the room. Just as you were closing the door, you realized how different everything looked. How once the walls were a dark blue, they were now a pale white. In fact, everything was white besides the clothes you were wearing. (Excluding the gloves.) You walked down the unfamiliar hallway, soon reaching a long case of marble stairs. Since when did we have this many stairs... You thought, carefully stepping down the stairs. You glanced over your shoulder as you walked down, the pearly white marble turned to a dark blue. You knitted your eyebrows together and continued walking down the stairs.

As you feet touched the flat surface of the white marble floor, your heels echoed through the room. How did this even happen? You wondered, stepping forward. As you were lost in thought, you saw something dark appear in the corner of your eye. You turned your head in the direction of the object, only for it to run away. It was a person. Of course, having your instincts, you ran after the person, trying not to sprain your ankles. You ran into a hallway, the walls aligned with bloody hands. It didn't bother you much, seeing that you've seen Italy's room. You continued walking. Once you got to the end, the hallway split into two. "(Name)..." A male voice whispered. You looked around and listened for the soft voice. It sounded so familiar... "(Name)." It said again. Your thoughts snapped. Kuro! It had to be! "Kuro?" You called out. "Come here." He said. You looked to the left, seemingly where the voice came from. Walking towards the left, you started to hear random whispers. You got to the end, standing in front of a big, beautiful navy door. Reaching out, you twisted the door knob and pushed it open.

Moonlight filled the dark hallway, crickets filled the emptiness of the hallway, as well. You stepped out into the night. A garden with all sorts of flowers was the first thing that caught your eyes. It was mostly filled with your favorite flower. You walked down a stone path, seeing a small gazebo. There stood a man in a dark uniform, a katana by his side. "Kuro?" You whispered, stepping up the wooden steps. The man turned to you, a grin on his face. Kuro held his hand out to you as music from a piano began playing. The Waltz. You blushed and placed your hand on his. "You look very pretty, (Name)." He chuckled, gently taking you to the center of the wooden floor of the gazebo. You blushed and muttered a small "thank you", before placing your hand on his shoulder, his hand on your hip. "Riddle me this, Kuro. What the hell is this about?" You laughed, smiling at him. "I wanted to show how far I would go for you." He says, kissing your forehead. "Kuro-" He silenced you by planting a kiss on your lips. "I love you..." He muttered. "I understand if you don't feel that way about me... You probably like that damned Kiku." He grumbled, pulling away from you and leaning on the rail of the gazebo. You sighed and hugged him, resting your head on his shoulder. "Kuro, I love you too." You say, smiling up at him. He grinned and kissed you passionately. The music never stopped playing. "Shall we dance? This time, no blasting music." You ask, giggling. "I doubt I would promise I wouldn't pull this trick again. Maybe next time, it'll be a proposal." He winks at you and grabs your hips gently. You blushed deeply and kissed his cheek. "I'm pretty glad you did that... But next time, I will shoot my shotgun in your general direction for disturbing my sleep, you jack ass." You mutter. "Yeah, I love you too." He laughed, swaying you both from side-to-side.

((I was listening to Vocaloids and I thought of Japan, Magic, and The Waltz all at the same time. I hope you liked it. ;3))

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2014 ⏰

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