Bad Enough For You | Ziall One Shot

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Zayn watched the blond boy who was talking about something with his friend, Liam, from afar. Everybody knew he had feelings for the Irish boy, including Niall himself, but Zayn must’ve been doing something wrong because  every attempt to take the other boy out has been a failure. He would either chuckle or roll his eyes, saying that he’s not his type and turn around to continue whatever he was doing before. And Zayn was getting sick of it.

“Hey Ni.” Zayn said casually as he approached the pair.

“Hey, what’s up Zayn ?” Niall replied, not taking his eyes off whatever he was watching.

Zayn’s eyes followed the object of Niall’s attention and groan quietly when he noticed him. Harry fucking Styles. The school bad boy. Zayn didn’t know what everybody saw in him. All he’s ever done is getting in trouble, wearing that leather jacket and flip his fucking hair.

But everyone liked him even if he was the biggest jerk.

“I, uh, was wondering what you were doing this weekend ?” he tried again, unsure and definitely not as confident as he would have like.

Niall sigh, tearing his eyes apart of the curly lad and looked Zayn in the eyes.

“Zayn, mate, you’re not my type.” Niall swore this was the hundredth time he told the older boy, but he just kept on coming back so Niall decided he’s tell the whole truth. “Listen, you- you try too hard. I need someone more like… Harry.” he finally admitted and Zayn rolled his eyes.

Obviously he wanted someone like Harry. Someone that would treat him like shit. A bad boy.

So Zayn nodded again, but he went unnoticed, his eyes were already back on HIM. Zayn walked away so he could go sit with his best friend.

“By the look on your face I’ll take a guess and say that it didn’t go as planned ?” Louis greeted him, munching loudly on his sandwich.

Zayn sighed for all reply and Louis gave him a pat on the shoulder. “Just forget him mate, he doesn’t know what he’s missing out on.”

“He said he wanted someone like Harry.” Zayn said quietly but still loud enough for Louis to catch it and he flashed his infamous smirk that made the tan boy groan. “What are you thinking about again ?”

“If Mr.Princess wants someone like Harry, we’ll give him what he wants.” Louis explained and Zayn shot him a confuse look but before he could question the mischievous boy, he cut him. “Trust me” he simply replied and they got up to go to class when the bell rang.


“Louis, I’m not sure about this..” Zayn mumbled and refused to get out of his friend’s car. “It’s just not me..”

“I don’t give a shit, get your ass out of my car.” Louis replied.

Zayn groaned but did as told. Somehow, over the weekend, his friend convinced him that he needed to be a jerk to please Niall. That’s how he ended up on Monday morning dressed with black ripped off jeans, his favorite Guns N’ Roses T-shirt, combat boots and a brand new leather jacket.

“You look absolutely delightful Z.” Louis told him a smug smile and chuckled when the boy gave him a death glare. “I swear, I’d tap that.” he added in a serious tone and it was Zayn’s turn to laugh.

“Zayn! Don’t do that! Stay cool mate, and remember everything I told you this weekend. ” Zayn stopped laughing. trying to remember all the tips and piece of advice his friend mentioned.

“Yeah, whatever” He replied rolling his eyes and Louis cooed at his friend.

“Wow! Look at my bad boy best friend! Sometimes, I seriously amaze myself! I mean, I’m just so awesome, you know, I can-”

Bad Enough For You | Ziall One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now