dinner !

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"what should i wear?" jisoo crossed her arms.

she pulled out a collection of clothing to put together but nothing worked.

"ugh!" she groaned. "jihoon! can you come in her!" she yelled out to her brother.

"what do you want? stop bothering me!"

"i need help!"

he walked into her and leaned against the door.


"im going out for dinner later on, and i don't know what to wear. plus, you're the only person here right now."

he sighed. "is this date?"

"what? no, no, it isn't."

he furrowed his eyes.

"sure. it's a fancy dinner i assume." he walked into her closet to look for something nice.

"you have horrible clothes."

she rolled her eyes.

"i guess this looks nice." he pulled out a white mid thigh flowy dress.

"i guess so too." she grabbed the dress.

"where were you last night?" he sat on her bed.

"a friends house."

he laughed, "no you weren't. do you want to keep lying?"

"i would never lie to my dearest brother."

"I'll call mom." he quickly dialed his moms number, and was about to click on call.

"fine, fine, fine!"

"was it a boys house?"

"it could've, but you acted like you never stayed at your girlfriends house before so you can't get mad." she pointed.

"okay, now was it a boy?"

"uh, if you want it to be." she shrugged.

he dialed the number again.

"yes, it was! happy!"

"yes ma'am." he smiled.

"now you were at a boys house im hearing. what were you doing then, we're there other people?"

"there was a party and everyone cleaned afterwards until like 5:00. i wasn't alone, plus i don't like him."

"then why are you going out with him?"

"im nice and struggle to say no."

he rolled his eyes. "good luck."

"thanks, now leave!" she pushed him out the door.

time was ticking slowly for awhile before she was rushing.

"where's my mascara!" she quickly scattered through her makeup to find the item but no luck was found.

she groaned.

jisoo looked until she spotted it on the counter next to her bed.

it was already 5:00 and it takes about 45 minutes to get to sehuns house.

she went back into her closet and looked for shoes.

she debated on wearing white shoes or heels. she noticed the pros and cons of both, but in the end, the result were the heels. she pulled out her white blocked heels that weren't so high because she's not a pro with heels.

once she was satisfied with her look, she took a few pictures and grabbed her bag and went downstairs.

"im done and ill be back by... let's say 11:00."

"okay. bye."

"see ya." she grabbed her keys and went out the door and into her car.


have you left yet? - sehun texted.

im about to

alright, see you then.


"now, im going."

"bye, don't crash."

"i won't and bye."

she sped to his house and made it there by 5:46.


knock knock.

someone opened the door, sehuns mother.

"oh, hello! you're very beautiful, what's your name?" she hugged.

"my name is park jisoo, nice to meet you. you look very young, 20 at the max." she complimented.

"oh, you're such a gem. i love you already."

"thank you." she chuckled.

"come right in, sit anywhere, sehun will be down here any minute. im sure he's trying to impress you."

jisoo chuckled at the comment.

"ill be back." she went upstairs.

she went through her phone for a few minutes before she was greeted by the dad of oh sehun.

"hello, are you sehuns girlfriend?"

"oh no, we're just good friends." she responded.

"what's your name?"


"oh, i've heard of you. sehun wouldn't want me to say this, but he was talking about you earlier on."

"oh really?" she smiled.

he nodded. soon sehun was walking down the stairs.

"don't tell him i said anything."

"i won't." and he went off somewhere.

"you finally showed. and that's a nice dress on you." sehun teased.

"ive been waiting for you and you look decent as well."


"yes, decent. would you like me to use another word?"


"fine, you look okay."

"i prefer handsome."

"i don't tell lies, sehun."

he pretended to be hurt.

"it's a joke. don't get butthurt." she patted his shoulder.

"i am not." he pouted like a baby.

"you're such a baby." she punched his cheek.

"no, im the mean one here, i should be telling you that." he continued, "you're such a baby."


"do you want to know what i don't like about you." he turned to look at her.

"what is that?" she turned.

"how you never get mad. it's weird. you're weird."

"thank you." she shrugged looking a bit confused.

"do you know want to know what i don't like about you?" she asked.

"no, not really."

"you're arrogant, rude, annoying, entitled, a try hard, boring, a bi-"

"we can stop there alright." he said as he placed his hand on her lap.

she chuckled.

"the truth hurts."

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