01.| Tears

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01 — Tears

and death welcomed me
with open arms

COOL WATER lapped against skin, careful drenching the pale body in the lakes transparent fluids; sparkling with delight as the suns beautiful marmalade and honey hues coated its surface.

     A boy, with hair that greedily sucked in the suns bright rays, and eyes pooling with a daintily cerulean, waited for the water to pull his body in. Hands, boney from malnourishment, gripped at the lakes ledge. Taking a huge gulp of the sweat air, he carefully loosened his already weakened grip.

     His lungs burned for air, body protesting and lungs hammering against his chest, mixing in with the thumping of his heart. His eyes, becoming dull, limbs relaxing―he was oddly calm despite him being on the brink of death.

     Unshed tears mixed soundlessly with the fresh water that surrounded him from all sides.The pressure that snagged at his frail body was overwhelming, causing him you gasp in agony.

     He felt rough fingertips trying to grasp the drowning boy but it was too late; he was far under now, death was now inevitable, and he loved that.

     Smiling at the blurry figure that tried desperately to save the child, he allowed darkness to finally could his vision.

"Peace at last."

 𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄―(𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞 𝙛𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣.) Where stories live. Discover now