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"mom, this is changbin. my boyfriend." hyunjin introduces his lover to his mom and the woman smiles.

"it's good to see you dear." changbin smiles nervously.

hyunjin's mother was staring so fondly at the two but was secretly scared of her husband's reaction.

you see, hyunjin's father wasn't that accepting of homosexuals. the time his son admitted that he was gay, hyunjin already moved out reducing his chances of being hurt and abused.

Time skip brought to you by CHICKEEEEEEEN~

"i'm home." the younger's dad's voice came from the hallway and footsteps started to come to the living room and as his father arrived, he frowned.

"why is this faggot here?!"

"honey he just visi-"

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! YOU'RE NOT NEEDED. YOU SHOULD BURN IN HELL! WE DIDN'T RAISE DEMON SPAWNS!" sanji (hyunjin's dad), dragged his son and changbin and threw them outside.

"DON'T EVER COME BACK HERE FAGGOTS!" the door closed with a slam.

hyunjin was crying and changbin was there to comfort him.

sanji should never be called a parent.

the two boys came home and the other couples saw them.


"what happened to them?" felix asked his boyfriend.

"i don't know lixie, let's just hope they're okay." seungmin sighs.

"did you see hyunjin? he was crying a bucket." jisung gossips with his lover.

"i know i know. what happened to them? oh my god, tea!" minho clasped his hand on his mouth.

"woo, channie, jinnie was crying so much. what do we do? should we bake cookies? cake?" jeongin says.

"do you want to?" jeongin nods.

"alright babe. let's go to the kitchen and make a cake." the trio made their way to the kitchen.

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