Chapter 1

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Yuya's Pov:

      I was lying in this dark abyss since we started to become---- who are we...Become what..?... I'm tired.. I'm scared

     Darkness, despair, anger, hopeless.....Joy? I don' know anymore all i feel are muddled emotions...We became one..
     We? who are we..Who am I?

'You are my treasure'


All of a sudden darkness starts to curl around Yuya and deep in the darkness creep golden piercing eyes and Yuya felt a wave of euphoria washes over his tired body.

     'My dearest shooting star, you must be tired but don't worry I am here now, no one will dare harm you in my presence, in -------------'

As Yuya became too tired to listen even thou he wants too the euphoric sensation is not helping at all as he slowly but is surely sinking deeper into the shadows embrace.

As the man saw this he couldn't help a feral grin and a glint of satisfaction in his eye appear as he embrace the boy whole heartedly

' will all come back to where you belong,where your rightful places is after all you are my children and will always be mine'

To be continue....

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