Chapter 2

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Sorry for the late update, I've been so busy at school >_<

As for this chapter sorry if i keep switching to third person Pov and so on.......

  Just as Zarc said, alas he got all his children back safe and sound in his shadows, away from those humans who contaminated them.
      Ah just looking at his precious sons faces sleeping peacefully made him feel bliss, he can't let the humans take them away again, especially that witch Ray, so he did what comes to mind, he went to a space between the universe he made for them, no one can enter and leave without his permission.Yes, this will be their nest where they will recover all their power.

        It will be easy for his lily to finally realize who he really is and for his little specter and precious treasure a little twist with their memory will do the job, after all they hated Ray to the core after what that witch did to our precious Yuya. But as for Yuya, ah Yuya, our youngest and the most fragile and emotional out of all my children, and the one who mainly took all the damage for us after that day that separated us all, will be the hardest to win over after he has been contaminated by that blasted witch's flower..!!!

       Zarc can't let this happen, for this to stop he needs all his childrens(except for Yuya of course) help in gaining their precious oh so submissive Yuya back, after all they are a flight and Yuya is the most precious treasure to all of them, he is their sole mate after all......

To be continued...

Truly sorry for the late update, i have been having trouble for this chapter hope you guys like it >_<

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