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Being idol trainee really taking toll to my body and physcology.


-2 weeks later-

"This is your order,sir. Thank you, and have a nice day!" Well, this job is more tiring than work at the convenience store. And more customers keep come and go. I check my watch to see what time right now.

"3 in the evening". Damn, In 2 hours, my shift will be over. At least, this job pays me slightly better. "It has been for 2 weeks. And yet I don't still get any replies from Jihyo. They must be on a world tour right now. Maybe she is really busy and has a boyfriend right now. You should stop worried about her, Y/N. You're just her best friend.

Another customer enters the cafe.

"Welcome to Rezza Cafe! ", a typical welcoming phrase that I always say since I work here. Well, this customer wears a mask and a hat. Must be a celebrity. The typical item for idol or actors. Must be tired to wear
these things because they can make a mini fan meeting if they going out without a mask and a hat. Well, I think I wouldn't be able to experience that after all.

" Yes, what do you want to order, sir?" typical question that I would never tired to say.

"Do you have strawberry smoothies here?" Well, I don't expect the voice to come from the customer. A familiar voice, I would say.

"I'm sorry miss but we don't have that available for now, miss"

"Aw, too bad. I hear that strawberry here is pretty good, Y/N oppa"

Okay, that confirms my intuition. Obviously she is one of my acquaintances through Jihyo probably since she calls me Oppa. Not many people know my existence and called me Oppa. Only 3 people called me Oppa.

"Are you supposed to be very, I mean very busy right now, chaengie?," she smiled back at me.

"Oh, you remembered me, Oppa?" she smiled while tilting her head. Okay, that cute smile. Stop smiling at me like that, baby cub!

"Of course I would remember you! Youre one of my favourite person!" she said while smiling. I blushed.

Why is it so hot today?

"Why I am one of your favourite person? Should not I be the only one? Why there are more than one for your favourite person, oppa?" she pouted.

I smile. "Well since jihyo is my best friend too. She is included as my favourite person too well I hope she believes my nonsense there just to save my face. Gladly she believes!

"Oh and oppa, why I do not see you at company anymore? Do you take a break or what, oppa?" and that is the thing that I really do not want to talk and hide, she just ask like it is like no a big deal. I can't blame her because she does not know anything.

"I just quit."


"What?! But why?" she start to pout again. Please I can not take her cuteness today. Too much cuteness can kill!

"Well cause one of my friend offered me a job as a choreographer. That is why I quit from JYP" Well maybe a little lie but it is not like not true at all.

"And dancing or maybe when I get the chance to create a choreography dance for you girls or male idol, it suits mr more because my singing just not the required level to be an idol. You also were there in that monthly evaluation when I got scolded real hard because I have been as a trainee for 7 years at company but my singing did not get any better"

Chaeyoung just went silent after listen to my story. After a long time shes been thinking "Okay oppa but please keep in touch with us or if not, just with me if it is okay with you?"

After all I cannot reject her request. She already like my little sister. I just nod and smile. "Well I believe you already running late. Better you go back to company, chaengie!"

She seems like forgot about it "Oh! Right oppa! I better get going now! See you later oppa! Do not forget to text me!" aigoo this baby cut.

Well just another hour and I am done for today. I need to run to dance studio or lia kim will kill me again. I know she is the boss but I hope she does not always stress because of some students that do not take the dance practice seriously. The passionate student will be succeed while the lazy one will be fall behind. She really need to just keep those who want to dance rather than the one who use their parents' money just to use the studio name as prospect for his or her resume.

'Well better I prepare for changes of shift'


"You are late again, y/n/n" well she is very pissed right now. "Please miss Kim, it just 5 minutes late. It is not like I an hour late" I try to beg but she looks very annoyed with me right now. Looks like maybe one of the students were the reason.

"Okay miss Kim, I am sorry and I would not be late again" I just say I am very sorry cause I do not want her to be stress anymore.

"Okay, just go warm up and do the daily routine and then come to me cause we have a very important task today" well what is the important task it would be? Well maybe just create another idol choreography. Maybe that also the reason she been stressed lately.

After I done with daily routine, I go to find lia Kim. Looks like she been brainstorming idea with few dancer also about idea for choreography.

"Oh you are here, y/n! Great, now I need the idea for a girl group dance but me and others been stuck for a week and I hope you can give an idea"

"Well miss Kim, for which girl group that I need to help making the choreography?" I do not see that I'm needed in this team that filled with talented dancers by the way" Not kidding when I say this team has a few of the best dancers in Korea and the world to be honest. I really cannot picture myself in this team.

"Well you have been taught by Mrs Lee, right?" I nodded. What she mentioned that dance demon? The one make my 3 years a living hell but in exchange of dancing skill, I do not know if it is worth the time or not.

"Well this is for the SM girl group that she has been working for. She is currently busy with Boa. Probably for Boa's comeback. Although I do not see why she would be busy with SM Queen" Argh now that's make sense. If it is miss boa, probably she is very busy.

"So what's the group that we need to create choreography?" all of them looking at me like are you kidding me?

"What?" seriously I only know about twice since Jihyo and chaeyoung is my friend from trainee years.

"It's for red velvet"

Okay this first time I heard about red velvet. Bet that the group would be 9 members like girl generation, SM legend.

"Bet they have 9 members, right?" they just shake their head see me like I have disconnected with outside world.

"Nah it is have 5 members with Irene, Seulgi, Wendy, Joy and Yeri"












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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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