Vincent the douche

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Calum was mad.

I love it and hate it when he gets mad because one he looks sexy even with the nose and two I hate it because he acts like we're dating because as soon as Vincent asked me out he held my hand as if I was going anywhere. I said to Vincent that I would give him an answer on tomorrow via txt. Calum on our way home claimed that he would supervise our entire conversation. Calum getting mad is also the reason why I didn't tell him what actually happened between me and Vincent.

"Can you release my hand?," I ask softly as I try to push the stroller with the one hand while the other one was enclosed in his. I could feel his anger radiating off of me. That's how mad he was.

"Not until we get home," he said back and he looked at me with intensity in his eyes.

"Are you mad?," I was tempted to say "Or Nah?" but that would make the situation worse. So I kept my mouth shut.

"Yes, thanks for being concerned," he says coldly and I feel bad for being bitchy earlier in the morning and sometimes for other stupid times where I opened my mouth. I see a pinkberry in the next block. I stop abruptly and Calum groans and tightens his hold on my hand and I wince.

"Lets go to Pinkberry, it's your favorite right? Annabelle told me so, come on," I say without waiting for a response and I drag him and the stroller earning some people staring at us being handcuffed. We entered and every adult in there looked at us in disgust probably because they know I'm a teen Mom. WWAD? What Would Annabelle Do? Well she'd probably curse them all out and go on with her life. But I'm not Annabelle so I keep my mouth shut and Calum and I find a seat in the corner and Nikolai is sleeping soundly.

"You probably know what I want, I'll watch him," he didn't even mention that he'll buy like he always does,

"You dumbass you have to come with me, we are handcuffed," He sighs and we both get up and get what we want before shuffling scowling at the adults who look at us in shame. We then sit down where we proceed to eat our frozen yogurt.

"I know your going to say yes," Calum says with no emotion in his voice. He's talking about what I will say to Vincent.

"Calum I will first weigh out the pros and cons," I say and he relaxes a bit as he eats his chocolate flavored frozen yogurt with candy stacked high on it.

"I know a con, I'll bust his face open if you do say yes," he chuckles at the thought. NO CALUM NO TIME TO BE THINKING OF MURDER THATS MY JOB.

"I know a pro, he may pay attention to Nikolai,"

"Oh really I know a con, he'll abandon you again," oh Calum if only I could tell you the truth.

"There is always that possibility but another pro is that .......," shit.

"Ha, okay final con, you may fall in love with him again, " I wish I could tell him that I never loved him, but then what would he think?


We were walking down the street we sure looked weird. A girl with round hippie sunglasses with high waisted shorts which made her butt look big and a crop top and she had a child. Next to her was a giant who was handcuffed to her and had highlights throughout his hair and was smiling now.

Yeah that's my version of weird.

We decided to take a different route to Annabelle's house who of course had her shit together and went to college with my brother who too has his shit together. When will my life get together?

"Alice, thank you," Calum says smiling at me when I stare up at him.

"Why are you thanking me?," I ask stupidly, I know the answer to that rhetorical question.

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