So Dave wasn't meant to be here? That explained why he didn't have keys. James returned looking flustered.

"He scares me," I told him. One minute he told me he didn't want anything to do with me, then he was touching me up.

"Dave scares all of us. My parents don't approve of his life style so he was kicked out about a year ago. Occasionally he returns to stir up trouble but he never stays long. Try and keep out of his way and he'll be gone soon. I'm sorry about what he said but don't take it personally."

I nodded and left to go to bed, but when I got inside the spare room, Dave was sitting on my bed reading my book.

"Erm excuse me..." I started, hoping he'd just get up and leave.

"Alright, love?" he said, not looking up from my book.

I blushed at his words and took a step closer to try and get him to leave.

"Would you mind leaving cause I kind of want to go to bed," I said quietly.

He looked up suddenly and I couldn't meet his eyes for some reason.

"Have you slept with my brother?" he asked suddenly.

"What! No! We're roommates," I told him shocked.

"Most male and female roommates have slept with each other at least once," he shrugged casually.

"Well not us."

"I'm glad not. He's bad in bed."

I stepped closer, getting bored of him and just wanting to go to bed.

"Oh and how would you know?" I sighed.

He gave me a huge grin and I noticed how perfect his face was, aside from his eyes which never showed any emotion. It was quite unnerving actually but it didn't make him any less hot.

"His exes like to compare us."

"You've slept with his exes?"

"Every single one of them, darling. That's why I was hoping you were one. It doesn't matter because I'll still have you." Dave stood up and towered over me.

"Oh you'll have me - that's nice isn't it?"

I crossed my arms and he took a step closer so he was right in front of me.

"It will be," he bent down to whisper in my ear.

He left with a wink and I stared exasperatedly at the empty doorway. Dave Franco was really something else.


I slept well and when I went down to get breakfast, James and his parents were already there.

"Morning, love. Would you like eggs?" his mum asked me.

"Yes thank you."

I sat down next to James and asked him where Dave was. He kicked me under the table and looked at me as if I was crazy.

"My parents can't know he was here," he hissed at me.

I nodded and we made small talk over breakfast. When I went to shower I had the fright of my life to find Dave shaving at the sink. I'd already undressed because you had to turn a corner before the sink came into view.

"Already so eager for me, love."

I grabbed a towel and backed up against the door to create some space between us.

"There's no point trying to cover up, I've already seen you now," he smirked.

"Can you please just go?"

He laughed and walked right up to me so I was pressed against the door.

"Well aren't you just the cutest?"
His finger traced my forehead to my chin and I couldn't even turn away from him - he was mesmerising. Yesterday he'd been so rude to me and didn't want anything to do with me and now he was being all charming.

I couldn't even say a word as he gently pulled me out the way and left the bathroom. After my shower I sighed when I found him on my bed again.

"It's fine I'm leaving," he said moodily before I could even open my mouth. Once again another mood swing.

I watched him leave the room and shook my head after him.

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