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We spent the next few days job hunting but nothing stood out until I went to get my ear pierced and he came along. The piercing place was in the same shop as a tattoo parlour and I noticed Dave was fascinated with all the designs on the wall.

"Ah, Dave ! How are you doing, man?" A tall man covered in tattoos came out to greet us.

"Eddie! Hey! Yeah I'm doing well thanks bro," Dave smiled.

"Here to get another tattoo?" Eddie asked.

"No, my girlfriend is getting a piercing."

Eddie smiled at me and I smiled shyly at him too.
"Wow, what did you do to get this beautiful lady?" he teased.

Dave chatted to Eddie while I got my ear pierced and I when I returned they both grinned at me.

"Guess who's got themselves a job?"

I kissed him and thanked Eddie who had employed him as a tattoo artist. It turned out Jason loved drawing and had done some designs for the wall as well all of the ones that currently decorated his body, so had a job as a tattoo artist starting Monday.

Dave had stayed true to his word and I was surprised to admit that this was the best relationship if ever been in. He treated me like a princess; he took me out on dates, we cooked together, slept together, stayed in and watched movies together - it was perfect.

He loved his job at the tattoo parlour and his family were so proud that he'd turned his life around. One day when he was at work, Betsy came up to me in the kitchen with a big smile on her face and tears glistening in her kind eyes.

"Gracie dear, I just wanted to say thank you for changing Dave. We were all so worried about him because of the drugs and the fights - but since you've come into his life he's a changed man. Thank you for bringing my son back."

She hugged me and I almost cried with her because I was so grateful for James' family and all they'd done for me. Even James had come to apologise about warning me about Dave, because he could see how happy we were together and Dave had apologised for how he'd treated James in the past.

James and I went out to lunch once a week to keep our promise, but he understood I wanted to spend as much time with Dave as I could before we had to go back to uni. James and his parents were going to see a show this evening and they invited Dave and I but Dave told them he had a special date planned.

I was excited and kept asking him to give me a clue as to where we were going, but he wouldn't tell me.

"Be patient babe, you'll love it," he grinned.

"But I don't know what to wear!"

"You always look beautiful," he said, bending down to kiss my lips.
I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck as he spun me round and even dipped me down. The radio was playing and he smirked as he twirled me in time to the music. We danced until the song finished - not well I might add, as I kept stepping on his toes and head butting his chest because I was so clumsy.

"Before you can break anything, our bodies included, why don't you get ready for our date?" he smirked, kissing my forehead.

He told me to dress 'quite fancy' so I put on a dress and curled my hair. I was singing along to my music as I got ready and I could hear him laughing at me through the walls so I sang louder. An hour later, we were ready to go.

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