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"My relation ship with Mr. Henrys was a romantic one, we were together for 8 months before we broke up." I told the jury.

I was dressed in a brand new suit, grey like John's eyes.

John had already been questioned, and he gave the truth in a way that gave me the upper hand, but it was immediately taken when my old doctor testified. Saying I 'had possibly been in a little fight between men,' but that I 'never made it seem like abuse.'

Fucking asshole.

"I read over your witness statement, and Ive realized I dont really need to direct you, do I? So just... tell your story."

I bit my lip. I found John's face in the crowd. I held his gaze for a moment, and he mouthed "its ok, I love you."

I breathed deeply and looked at the jury. Nothing would come of me faking my confidence, or pretending I was ok.

Im just going to tell the truth.

"I was with Brandon when I left high school. We met through friends and I was attracted to him of course, but he made it clear he was strait and could never love a man. So I never made any moves on him.

We became good friends though, seemingly spending every moment with him. Then I started to realize as I talked to other people he'd become seriously jealous. Yelling and screaming at people just for talking to me in a slight flirty tone, lying to men at clubs saying I was underage so they wouldnt go for me.

Then it was only us. He would never let me go anywhere where there was a crowd, no parties, anything. So he was my everything. He even got jealous when I called my mom, and broke my phone 'on accident' because I told him I was taking a flight to visit her. The costs of fixing it made me have to cancel everything, so I ended up spending the weeks with him only. Then we became roommates, since my mom moved, and he was with me every single moment. I couldnt hide anything from him.

I had gotten my acceptance letter to OSU, and I was absolutely overjoyed. See I had been wanting to go to this college for years for the mathematics program. Full scholarship for my good grades and community service. I was fucking— sorry — freaking ecstatic.

When I told Bran Id be moving he told me he was in love with me. And I stayed to be with him because I hadnt ever been in a relationship like that before, and was ready to put my whole life on hold, for someone I had only known for some months." I turned to Eda, she smiled encouragingly and I continued.

"We started dating. And everything was great. Like... really good. For about 5 months we were fine. Then he started staying out later, not answering my calls, pushing me away when I tried to go on dates. I basically was a..." I looked at the room around me.

"A walking talk sex doll." The older people in the room blushed and laughed gently and I did to. "He started becoming a dick—sorry— mean person. Comments about how he wasnt gay... how much of a slut I was... really hurtful stuff. And I stayed with him. Because I was stupid and unexperienced. I stayed with him because he told me he loved me that day on the board walk and I wasnt going to give him up over some rude comments,

I loved him. I told myself over and over again that I loved him. He would never hurt me. He loved me.

He came home at around 4 am one night, and tried to get me to have sex with him. I told him no, and that I was tired. He continued to push, and I continued to refuse him.

Then he pinned me down.

He broke my wrist by slamming it into the bed and hyperextending it.

He punched me until I was mostly unconscious.

And raped me on my floor."

The tears flowed down my eyes. I sobbed hard into the suit sleeve. The judge handed me tissues that I accepted gratefully. The jury looked shock, one woman crying softly. I stared her in the eyes before continuing.

"I was ready to leave him. I went to the doctor, who happens to be here today. I lied to him at first. I didnt want to deal with the shame of someone else knowing I got beat up.

But he knew. He knew. He even joked to the nurse about it. Told her how funny that the 'fag in OR 4 got beat up'.

I told him the truth and he told me exactly what he told you today. 'Boys will be boys.'

So I went back home. I went back to him because he cared. He loved me!" I spat, keeping my eyes on the crying woman, her hands started shaking and her mascara ran down her cheeks.

"I convinced myself well enough to stay with him. And he didnt hit me again for a while, until the day I met John.

You all can think of me as a slut I dont care, but I slept with him while I was still dating Bran. I looked for some sort of validation in the arms of another and you can call that wrong but I wanted just for one night to feel like a fucking human."

I looked at John. He cried softly and I felt the hurt inside of me soften. I turned back and continued on.

"I lied to him. Told him I was with a friend, and he saw strait through it.

He beat me, and then shoved his dick down my throat as a 'punishment for bad behavior'. He degraded me. He hurt me. He ruined any bit of happiness or love I had in me.

I left him. And I stayed with John for the next months. I had tried to get my stuff back but he destroyed it all. Thousands of dollars worth of clothes, shoes, books, furniture, destroyed. I didnt care though cause I was finally fucking done with him.

He didnt bother me again for a while. I stayed with John and I worked and everything was good. I finally thought, 'hey, I might be happy now.'

He sent me a letter in the mail asking me to meet him and he sat there in the restaurant begging me to come back to him.

So I asked him, 'will you ever hurt me again.' And he lied to my face. So I turned him down and tried to leave. He followed me, grabbed me and brought me to the back parking lot, and punched me until I couldnt stand. Then he took my leg and jumped on it till it until it snapped. Then ran off, telling me 'Ill never let you go' over and over and over.

I went into a week long coma, and my leg was broken for 3 months.

I know Im 18. I know Im not a scholar or a reliable source, but Im not lying about what happened to me. Im not lying about him. And Im not lying when I say-"  I stared right into Brans furious eyes "you can rot in hell."

The room went silent. Not a single breath. Just sounds of my own sobs, and the rattle of the womans legs against her stool. They all stared directly at me, and all faces were a mix of horror, shock, empathy, and most of all... understanding.

"The witness may step down." The judge said. I fell down into my seat, all eyes still trained on me.

Brans witness statement was as fake as a the plastic as Jenny's tits. Filled with cold and heartless law jargon. 'There is nothing connecting me to his injuries' 'the evidence neither proves nor disproves any crimes done by my hand.' Like it was written by Siri.

In the end, I knew Bran was going free. Even if everyone in the room believed me, you cant convince anyone to put a 23 year old in prison for 25 years over the words of a teenager. I had accepted that. But everyone in the room believed me. Anyone who had once cared for and loved Bran, now stared at him in spite. And that was more than enough for me.

"The court finds the defendant not guilty of the assault charges. The court finds the defendant guilty property damage owing up to fines of $4500 dollars and 1 year in federal prison."

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