Chapter 4

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This is it. I'm flying. Never really liked leaving far but somehow it feels amazing. The flight it's quite long but I like it. It's different. Mom and Dad are sleeping they look so relieved. Maybe this is for the best.  

Our first stop was in France. Even if I'm only here for few minutes I can brag I went to France.

"Jamie, go buy some food for us, would you?" pouted dad

"Fine... What would you like?"

"Something french" said dad

"Very funny"

After long minutes of waiting in the line I finally got my order and headed torwards my parents. As I walked I saw someone familiar. Could it be him? Imposible! I know I owe that person a thanks but it can't be such a coincidence to be at the same flight.

I looked at my watch and realized it was almost time to board the plane. I must hurry! I ran and bumped into someone. I apologized running without even bothering making eye contact. I must have looked like a jerk.

"Why did you took so long? Come on, let's go" said dad in a rush

"Blame your french food!!"

We entered the plane and when I sat I realized I lost my favorite hair pin... It must have been when I bumped that person. Jeez, it was my favorite!

After long hours we finally arrive. Korea! It's beautiful but I still miss home. I can't understand a word they're saying. This is going to be troublesome.    

"It's quite refreshing, isn't?" said dad smiling 

"What?" I asked

"A new start, new life, new view of life!"  Shouted dad excited

I just smiled at him and agreed with my head. Maybe my dad only wanted a new start. Start all over again because he didn't felt alive where he was. Just like me. Maybe my new start wasn't in California's University but here.   

Well, the person in charge to take us home finally arrived. Such a funny hat he has. The clothing trend here is amazing. Guys take their appearance extremly seriously. Thats great, now I feel like women aren't the only ones that needs to take care of their skin. haha    

" Anngeonhaseyo" said the driver 

Mmm, I'm guessing that's hello...  

" Hello" I said a little insecure 

" Say it loudly! Hello! Haha Welcome to Korea! You must be Mr. Pattison daughter" he said cheerfully 

"Oh, yeah! My name is Jaymie" I informed  

" Such a pretty name. My name is Leetuk... Nice to meet you." He said 

Leeteuk, huh? That's interesting... 

"So how far is our house from here?"I asked  

"Like four hours from here! Yep!" he said while smiling happily 

"What?!" I reacted surprised  

" Just kidding, we only have 10 minutes left" he said laughing 

"What a weird person..." mom whispered to me  

I just nod and smiled at him relieved. Well, I never imagined the first korean person I would meet could had such a great sense of humor. I feel calm. 

  "This is it! Enjoy your new life! If you need anything feel free to call me I might help you in some way" he smiled while giving me his card  

"Thanks" I smiled back 

As soon as he left my mom had to break the silence and brag about our new house.

  "I regret nothing" she said

Well, I must admit the house is quite beautiful! It gives you a good feeling. I just sat in a chair outside and felt the wonderful breeze. 

Jung Kook *POV*   *phone rings*  

"Yoboseyo"   "JUNK KOOK! When are you coming back?! You must take over my company soon. There's allot to learn! Hurry back to Korea" yelled dad  

"Dad... I don't want to go back! I like it here"

I've been running away all my life. I can't accept my fate! I'm not meant to be an entrepenuer it's not my thing... My dreams and aspirations are beyond that! I want to be a musisian! I have a chance here, I know it.  

"Son, you are surviving with my money... You don't come back and I'll stop sending you money. It's over" he said confidentally

"Dad! Dad"   He hung up... This is ridiculous! It's not easy to find jobs here. A part-time job won't really make any difference. It's time to head back...

I hurried and bought the earliest flight to Korea. When I got to the airport I had a bad feeling but I just ignore it and waited for my flight. Suddenly, I heard some screaming and in the blink of an eye someone had grabbed me by my shirt and locked me in a room. He tied my legs and arms and just left.   Could it possibly be an attend to rob in an airport? That's stupid... Thankfully, I have a knife... I'll try reaching it  

"Stay here, brat" said the person who tied me while taking a girl to the same room. This is our chance...  

"Hey, try to get near me! Hurry" I said desperatly 

She rushed to my side desperatly
"Try to hurry, we must get out"  she said while looking around carefully   
"Someone's coming!" I said silently   The person who came... He is aming for her! I must untie myself..."

" Do you think you can actually get away with this? Is this some kind of joke? It's a damn airport not a bank!" she shouted at him really pissed off

This is going to get bad... I should do something. While they shouted and argue I managed to untie myself.

"A gun?!?" I said
I hurried and hit him in the back. Thank God I took martial arts...

" Are you ok? Thanks for distracting him, I managed to free myself and hit him with the knife. You were really brave." I said kindly and quite relieved.  
"Ohh" she said impressed

  "Well, lets go out" I said pushing her out

  "Oh, wait... What if..."   I rushed out of the room to the bathroom.

While I was trying to free myself I scratched my hand with the knife.  If my mom sees this she'll get paranoic. I must hurry or I'll lose the flight. Luckly I arrived on time. My seat has one of the best views... I love traveling but I really wish I didn't had to go...   

So many things happened in such little time, it's impressive.   We arrived at our second stop, France it is! I'm not staying here but I can say I visited France. Something to brag about, finally.

After 8 hours, we arrived to Korea safetly...   "Jung Kook! Son"   "Oh, Omma" I rushed to hug her   "Jaeljineni!? Bogoshipda, Iedera" mom asked worried about me  

"I'm fine! Don't worry... Let's go home. Aah, Kunde, Apa Odia?" I  asked 

"Your Dad is working of course, that's why you should work hard for his sake" mom applied  

I just entered the car, anxious of what is ahead of me...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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