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We went downstairs as I wipe all my tears away and everyone looked at us I looked at Andy and he gave me a reassuring look like everything is alright we both go over to the couches and c.c comes up to me "can I talk to you" I nod and we walk into the kitchen "I'm so sorry that he did that" "I don't want you to apologize c.c you didn't do anything wrong" he nodded and hugged me I kind of flinched but hugged back "he's upstairs I told him to never associate with you" we made out way back to the couch and I sat next to Andy and after a couple of minutes there was banging on the door I got up and got my katanas I walked towards the door and everyone just looked at me "your gonna let her go alone "jinxx said" Andy stood up and c.c said "trust me she can handle herself" Andy slowly sat down and I made my way to the door and opened was a swarm of zombies at least 50 I quickly sliced three of their heads off and yelled "swarm" I heard footsteps and Andy c.c and jinxx where helping once they where all dead Andy growled and looked at me "the gate broke fuck" everyone met in the living room quickly and we decided to just fix the gate and hope it doesn't break again I went outside with c.c he fixed the gate while I kept lookout "so you like andy" "huh" "oh I can see it you two have something special" I swing my katana near his head and he looked at me wide eyed "ok got it wont ask" when he was done we went back inside and everyone went to their rooms or was doing something I decided to talk to andy because that's who I was the most comfortable around him and c.c anyway I go to his door and knock "go away" "uh ok" "oh sorry scar come in" I walked in slowly "I get special privileges" he laughs and I walk to his window where he take a long drag of his cigarette and blows it out not gonna lie was kinda hot he then puts it out and makes his way over to the mirror fixing his hair "so what do you need" "oh uh just wondering where I'm going to be sleeping" "oh yeah right" he looks at me and goes out the door showing me my room it was similar to his but had a red fluffy bed and there was no posters I hugged Andy he was surprised I could tell bit he hugged back and I heard c.c saw aww I gave him a dirty look and went in my room I layed down and about two hours later someone walked in I couldn't tell who it was and my katanas where in the closet plus my room was dark so I didn't take any chances I got up and kicked them and pinned them down I hear a growl and I got flipped over I saw Andy's face dimly lit by the moon "sorry" I whispered he smirked and bit his lip he got off of me and I got up remembering that I'm half naked cuz that's how I sleep I tell Andy to close his eyes kind of panicky although he probably already saw he did as told and I got dressed quickly and turned on the light all he said was "I mean whatever your into" I looked at him "your the o-" "shh it's ok scar" I rolled my eyes he's annoying he was the one who didn't knock and bit his lip he chuckled "what do you want" "just wanted to see what your up to I can't sleep" I sighed "well I can goodnight Andy" he smiled and said "goodnight also I saw you" my eyes went wide and I pushed him out of the room and fell asleep ...I wonder if he likes me...
Andy's p.o.v
I left her room and went to c.c because he's kind of close with her as well "hey" "sup" I sat down and just blurted out "I kind of like her even though it's been a day" he smiles at me "it's like I already know so much and she does too and idk I feel a special connection" "this sounds very cheesey but I get it and I think she likes you too" he says I smile at that and told him what happened just a bit ago he yelps in a high pitched girly scream and says "oh I ship that" I roll my eyes and walk out of his room and go to sleep thinking about what I should do
Scars p.o.v
I just thought about what happened with andy I kind of like him and I have a special connection with him but I don't think he feels the same obviously he wouldn't I mean who would so I just go to sleep thinking about what I should do with all of this...
Hope you guys like it so far and you never know will the gate break again will someone die will someone get hurt will someone tell their feelings you never know unless you read more to find out so keep reading :)

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