Chapter 1

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Hoseok's PoV

"Hoseok" A soft voice spoke, he was stood in the middle of a dark room, white pillars stretching up beyond where he could see surrounded him,
Hoseok spoke softly, he didn't know why.
His voice seemed to get lost in the rooms atmosphere as he spoke,
"Yes?" He couldn't find the voice that had spoken his name, he couldn't point to a certain area that it had come from either.
"Save me" The soft voice spoke again, a small voice crack hiccuped as sadness filled the words. Hoseok's head clouded with worry, what was happening to this person he could hear? where they okay?
"Where are you?" Hoseok's voice began to shake a bit as the worry rubbed off on his voice.
Two pale small hands covered his eyes elegantly
"I'm with you" he whipped around to try and look at whoever was behind him before getting hit by a soft but fast moving pillow

"HOBI GET UP!" His younger sister continued bringing down the pillow and smashing it down onto his head, he quickly rolled to face upwards, lifting his arms infront of him to shield himself from the light and his rampaging sister
"Mama says you're going to be late if you don't hurry" she spoke calmly as she chucked the pillow back on Hoseok's bed. A small grin began to play around on her lips,
"So of course i waited a while before actually waking you up" She smirked and looked him me the eyes, his sister loved being horrible to him. They were twins but she had 'a reputation to uphold' and her friends didn't like him so his life was a living nightmare at school and at home. I began to panic and threw myself up off the bed
"Get out then I need to change!" I yelled at her, she was obviously amused and took her leave, I threw my shirt and pants on, followed by my tie.

What a strange dream, I was about to find out what that person looked like, if they were a boy or girl and how i could help them. I frowned, I knew I was overthinking the whole thing. It was just a stupid dream wasn't it? I reached the kitchen, swiftly walking through it whilst picking up my green school bag and the small food pouch containing my breakfast.
"Bye mama, love you!" I called out to her, I closed the door, smiling as my sister hurried me into the car complaining about how late we were going to be because of me.

I rolled my eyes.
"You didn't wake me up on time, remember Si-Joon"
I grumbled at her, I was still pretty annoyed that she did that. It was our first day back at school after an eternity of summer break. I desperately wanted to see my friends again, I was socially deprived spending most of my time in the house with this she-demon.

Finally after what seemed like another eternity we parked up in the schools allocated parking area.
"all right get out I don't want to be seen with you." She sneered as she pulled out her phone and began ringing her friends, I obliged and quickly pulled my bag and body out of her perfume-reeking car

I climbed out to see everyone walking towards the school, and that's when i saw them.

(JiHope Smut); My hope, My angel, My worldWhere stories live. Discover now