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Olivia was walking down a wet and drizzling road toward her controlling mother and cheating boyfriend's apartment. She was moving slow so she'd have more time to herself, more peace, and less fighting, it was also very foggy. She was thinking about books and how the characters in them were so perfect. They had no fear and made the right choice every time. She didn't know anyone like them.

Her mother was too afraid to accept the fact that her boyfriend was cheating on her and couldn't stop giving him chances and she took her anger out on her, and her boyfriend was a creep and couldn't keep a stable relationship. The most descent thing he does is take Olivia and her mother's dog on walks (only because he was forced to by the landlord due to smell). He'd gawk at just about every girl he saw too, including Olivia, and her mother would act like it never happened. Her mother was growing bitterer and bitterer since the death of Olivia's grandfather and father. They were very close, closer to each other than their own fathers. Just the thought of them started making her eyes burn; She kept walking.

"Almost there." she mumbled. She turned down another street.

The apartment building was toward the other end of the street. It was hard to see through the fog. She took her glasses off and wiped the water off them. Once back on, she could only see the buildings lights. A few hundred feet? Probably less.

She paused. There was a bang. Like something blunt and soft being hit against something metal, far away. It had come from the alley on her right. Silence for a second, then she heard something else. She held her breath and stopped moving, listening to her heartbeat and the alley. She could hear splashing now. It was becoming louder the more she waited, but it was too fast for a human, and too loud for a rat. It was getting dangerously close. Around 40 feet most likely. 30? 20? It was getting closer. She Jumped behind a dumpster, hoping whatever it was, hadn't seen her. The splashing stop toward the end of the alley. Only a few feet from her hiding spot. Olivia could hear sniffles and slight sobbing, then some movement toward the street. Whoever it was, hadn't seen her and was leaving. She was contemplating whether to peek around the edge of the dumpster. Who could run so fast, and why were they crying? They were probably almost on the sidewalk by now. Creeping toward the edge of the dumpster, she poked a smidge of one of her eyeballs out and saw what she least expected. It was Abigail, her dog.

"Abigail?" Olivia said out of breath. Her dog turned around instantly, She didn't recognize Olivia and started barking. Olivia moved out from behind the dumpster and did a gesture only Abigail would recognize. She took her pointer and middle finger and tapped it on her chest twice. Abigail's tail started wagging profusely and started making her way toward Olivia cautiously. She seemed to think she was in trouble, but why? She was whimpering and limping just slightly. Smelling Olivia seemed to've let her know who it was. Why was she here? Did something happen to Olivia's mother? Her heart was starting to pound.

"You stupid mut! Stop running!" Shouted someone. They ran up to injured

Abigail and kicked her up into the air and onto the street. She gave a sharp, unbearable yelp. Olivia saw it was Damien, her mother's boyfriend. It started to rain.

"NO!" Olivia wailed and ran to Abigail. She laid wheezing and whimpering on the road bleeding from her nose and mouth.

Olivia knew exactly what to do without hesitation. She picked up Abigail and started to run away. Away from Damien and the blood soaked street.

"No! STOP!" Oliva cried again.

"NO!" Damien roared, yanking and throwing Olivia and Abigail to the ground.

"She, deserves THIS!" he yelled kicking Abigail more. Olivia didn't know what to do, Abigail was going to die if Damien didn't stop. She was going to bleed out infront of her, like before. She closed her eyes and waited for the screaming to stop, and her own screams to stop as well. Abigail kept yelping, and Damien kept grunting and spitting. It began to rain hard and thunder.

"PLEASE! STOP!" Olivia pleaded. "PLEASE!"

"WHY?!" Damien shouted and gave Olivia a kick too then went back to Abigail.

Oliva got up, took her jacket off and jumped on Damien's back and started strangling him with it. He was clawing, punching, and trying to yell at her. She kept tightening her grip around the jacket and his neck. He tried as hard to get her off but she wasn't letting go. Eventually he fell to his knees and could only swing his arms lightly. Olivia's arms and hands were just about to give up when Damien fell to chest. Olivia fell panting and terrified, right next to him and Abigail. Abigail was unconscious, but breathing.Olivia started crying. But she knew she had to act. She gather the rest of her oxygen, adrenaline, and strength, and picked up abigail and ran to her mother's apartment down the road.

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