Cabir's Message

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Dehradun Jungle                       11:00 pm


Can things get anymore gruesome? Me and Manik , We have been walking through this dark forest since last two hours...But there is no sign of Navya...How am I supposed to find her? God, please take care of her...I just hope that you are safe Navya...

In last two hours Manik is acting like my shadow...He is just following me wherever I'm going without any objections...He seems to be in some deep thoughts...I wish I could read his mind so that I could know What he thinks...Because he's actions and his words never match...He has confused me to the extent that I doubt that it won't be needed for the murderer to kill me because I might die out of overthinking...

It was Mukti's call when my phone rang last time...I called her back after sometime...She said that Navya was last time seen going towards Aryaman's room at 4 : 30 pm by some hotel staff. It means she was present in hotel...But this is not making any sense...I mean most of us go to Aryaman's room to report or if we need his suggestion in something...But what happened after that...I mean why is Navya missing? Where did she go? 

N : Manik , I don't understand...Where did Navya go?

Manik doesn't say anything...

N : Manik?

There is still no response from Manik...

N(Shouting) : Manik , Where are you lost?

M : Ahhh...Why are you shouting?

N : Why aren't you listening?

M : Please Nandini , I'm neither having patience nor I have energy to play this question-counter question game with you.

N(Sighs) : Fine. I guess it will be better if we don't talk at all then.

M : Yeah. Fine by me too.But I think we should return to hotel...We have come too far...It isn't safe at this time in this forest...We'll find her in the morning...

N : Okay.

We start walking on our way back to hotel...But suddenly someone pulls me by my hand...Before I realize anything that person brings a knife towards my neck...I scream Manik's name out of fear...

He looks back and realizes the situation...

M(Angrily) : Leave her. Leave her right now.

Manik moved towards the goon who has kept a knife on my neck in a swift moment and kicked on his stomach...There were two more goons...Manik is fighting with all of them alone...I think I should also help him...May be I should kick them in the renal angle between twelve th rib and kidney...He won't be able to get up from the hospital bed for weeks...I move forward and kick one of them...The person shrieks out of pain...The other goon holds my arm tightly and tries to drag me somewhere while Manik is busy in fighting with third goon...He drags me while I start calling Manik's name...Manik punches him multiple times and the goon falls down...Manik takes my hand in his and we both start running from that place...

N : Manik , Why isn't the hotel coming?

M : I don't think it will come...

N(Annoyed) : Will you stop talking in puzzles?

M(Sighs) : We won't reach the hotel because we were running in opposite direction.

N(Irritated) : Couldn't you take the right way ?

M(Gritting his teeth ) : Wow! You think that my mind was able to work sanely when I saw him putting a knife on YOUR neck? Do you even realize your life was in danger? How dare him even try to harm you! What was he even here for ? I so wish to go back and punch him till he dies...

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