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At night : Nandini's home

Nandini's POV : 

Seriously...Manik is the guy whom I kissed in poisonivy...Ok It was not a kiss. It was just a cheek kiss. That too I did because of the dare.

Ughh...He is the one in my dreams...Why he had to be working in the same hospital...I'm not afraid  of him or anything like that. It's just that...He is...Ughh..I don't know.

I can't believe I'm letting him work in my lab. But he challenged me! He needs to know that Nandini Murthy is never afraid of challenges. I'll show him that he doesn't affect me at all.

Wait...Then why I see him in my dreams...

Duh... I never saw his face, right? So, problem solved. 

I'll surely prove you that you don't affect me Mr. Malhotra.

End of POV.

Next day : 5 pm : Nandini's lab:

Nandini arrives in the lab and finds Manik already working on the microscope with almost 20 glass slides kept on left side of table near him.

N : What are you doing with so many slides at a time?

M : Ah! I was waiting for you only. But then I thought of having a quick look on these slides till the time you come.

N : Fine. But just handle with care. Don't damage anything.

M : Sure. So what we are going to do today? 

Nandini glares at him.

M : I mean with respect to research.

N : Well I'm currently working on chemical carcinogens. You can see in that corner I'm growing a cell colony. And in the opposite corner I have kept 5 of supposed chemical carcinogens. First we have to give an exposure of any of the chemical to those cells and then we will study their cell cycle and genome for any carcinogenic changes.

 First we have to give an exposure of any of the chemical to those cells and then we will study their cell cycle and genome for any carcinogenic changes

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M : Hmmm. Sounds interesting.

N : If any of the information goes out of this lab I'll kill you. I told you all this because you are now working with me that too because you instigated me into this.

M : Don't worry. I'll keep the information confidential. You can trust me.

N : Trust?! Well I don't know about all that. But you better keep your mouth shut about this outside.

M : You could say the same thing in a little more decent manner.

N : You could have just said 'Yes Mam'. Rather than talking some rubbish like'trust me'.

M : Who said that I'm going to call you 'Mam' ?

N : Who said that I'll allow you to work here if you don't call me Mam?

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