The Millionaire's Heiress

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The Millionaire's Heiress

"Silvia Starling changes roles and goes from singer to porn star."

Yeah, just revel in that for a moment.

"The 25 year old mom-to-be reportedly shot and released an adult video on the Internet for all to see. What we don't understand though is why Mr. Millionaire, Austin Cruise wasn't alongside her in the film. Is this setting the couple up for a multi-million dollar divorce?"

I hope so.

The only reason I was watching this was because Austin stormed over to my apartment and demanded that I do so. I sure did get a kick out of this.

"Ok, well," I tried to calm his raging temper tantrum. "If you don't even like her, why are you so upset?" I leaned back into the sofa and crossed my arms over my chest.

It was nearing midnight and he woke me up just to tell me this. He could've waited a couple hours. I was going to see him bright and early at work tomorrow anyway.

"I'm upset because she's pregnant. She could get HIV or something and pass it on."

"Austin, I'm sure the baby is fine. Can I get some sleep now? We both have to be up super early tomorrow."

He gave me some type of look I couldn't quite decipher, "The hell are you talking about? I'm the boss. I don't have to do anything."

"Ok then. Well, I'm going to bed. Goodnight Austin," I said quietly while heading back to my room. I heard him get up and follow me so I turned around to face him. "What are you doing?"

"Going to bed?"

"Not in my bed. You can sleep on the couch."

"Why? What did I do?!"

I just left it at that.

The four of us, and I mean: Austin, Howard, Reyna and I all sat in Austin's office the next day.

Howard had his mouth gaping open, he was not very happy, "Paper sorter? You want me to be a fucking paper sorter? Why can't I do something cool like Reyna and Vi?!" He jumped up in protest. Reyna was assigned a secretary job and as everyone already knows I was given the personal assistant one.

"Well, normally, we don't even have a paper sorter. This company is one of the most sought after so I'm sorry that we didn't have any other openings," Austin tried to explain. I could see that he was on edge. Last night after I closed my bedroom door on him, I think he just left because when I woke up this morning he wasn't there.

"Reyna, trade me."

"" Reyna left the office, still arguing with Howard chasing after her.

"So...what do you want me to do? I haven't ever done a job like this before." I stated.

He shrugged and dropped his head onto his desk, causing a loud thud to echo throughout the room, "I think I need a vacation," he grumbled tiredly. "Make that happen."

I stared at the wall blankly for a minute, contemplating whether or not I should ask him what was on my mind. I mean, he may be my lover, but he's also my boss now I suppose. I have to make a good first impression, " exactly do I do that? I don't know where you want to go or how long you want to stay there..."

"Sh!" He silenced while gently pressing his index finger to his lips, "Quiet."

"You're stressed about something and it's freaking me out. I don't think I've ever seen you act like this before. I mean, vacation? No. That's not you, Austin," I pulled up another office chair next to him and sat down, gently placing my hands on his knee comfortingly.

"The weird thing is...I don't even know what's bothering me. It could be a number of different things, Vi."

"Well, I'm-"

I was cut off by that secretary lady from the other day running into the office, a phone clutched to her chest, "Mr. Cruise," she paused, gasping for air, "It's Silvia. She's in the hospital. Um...the neonatal wing to be exact."

I saw Austin's eyes dart open. I won't lie, mine did the same thing. Neonatal. Doesn't that mean newborn babies? According to Austin and other sources, Silvia's only six or so months along. Why was she there?

"What would you like me to tell the hospital? I think you're needed there right now," the lady was still shaky and out of breath.

"Silver Enterprises CEO Austin Cruise and wife Silvia Starling welcomed a baby girl to the family today," the reporter said.

Howard jumped up in shock and Reyna spit her food out all over the desk in her cubicle. The three of us were currently huddled around the ten inch tv.

"Silvia was said to give birth almost three whole months premature putting little baby Cruise at risk. We don't know how mom and baby are, but an inside source has given us the Million Dollar Heiress' name."

Reyna and I both turned to Howard after hearing that. Austin told the three of us the name and as far as I knew, that was it. How would they have gotten her name?

He gave some sort of guilty look, "I'm sorry! I told my mom! She must have told her bingo friends or something. Dirty old women," he laughed nervously.

"Welcome to the world Sienna Amour Cruise," and with that the show cut to a commercial break.

"Amour?" Howard asked, "Doesn't that mean like a love affair or something?"

Reyna nodded.

"Ooh! Austin's trying to tell the world about his other lady! The boy is smart and maybe even a little stupid."

Still, I don't think he would openly tell anybody other than maybe a select few friends.

Howard gasped dramatically and then started to silently fake cry. Who knows, it might have even been real.

We decided to pay a small visit to the hospital to check up on Austin. No one had heard from him in over three days. I guess we just went to see if he was still alive. Howard said that Austin's mother was even so close to filing a missing persons report on him.

Good news is, he's alive. Bad news: he looks like a fucking train wreck. Sleep deprivation was evident in him. Somehow though, he still seemed content.

I think that was because of baby Sienna though. She was in one of those incubators, various needles and other things springing from her body. Austin just stared at her, almost in awe.

"How much does she weigh?" I asked very quietly, honestly not even expecting an answer from him.

"Three and a half pounds."

"Oh man," Howard shrieked.

"Why'd she come so early?"

"Because Silvia is a moron!" Austin snapped.

I was confused now. He pretty much just implied that this wasn't an accident. Silvia did it on purpose? Why? I didn't think she was that stupid.

"Um...why do you say that?"

"'Cause she said and I quote, 'But I wanted to meet her'. God! She's so stupid."

" did she make the baby come out then?" I asked.

"Don't ask."

The Millionaire's Mistress (MESMERIZED BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now