The Millionaire Loves Her

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The Millionaire Loves Her

"Wait," Austin threw his arms up in the air, confused over what was going on. "Who's going to take care of the kid then?"

"I am," Howard said while holding Charles, or Chas, as Howard started to call him. He loved the baby and that was a very good thing for me. I loved him like any sister would love a brother, Howard just seemed more excited to be taking care of a baby than I did.

Austin made an 'O' shape with his mouth, "Well, that's...nice. I never thought your dad would stoop that low though. He always seemed nice enough," Austin turned to me.

I nodded, agreeing with him, "I'm convinced this was the doing of Lacey," I said while admiring the sight of my best friend and little brother bonding through various types of cuddles. I couldn't have asked for a better friend than Howard.

"Yeah. So what are you going to do if your kid comes out with some disability?" Howard asked Austin.

"I don't have to worry about it. Silvia already had the possibility of that ruled out."

"That wasn't the question," Howard said with a straight face, clearly upset for some reason.

"Well obviously I'm not gonna get rid of the poor kid!" Austin snapped. "Not only would my mother kill me, but I know it's wrong. Besides, I'd like to think that there's some weird connection that just happens as soon as you meet the monster, so it makes it harder for you to let go."

"Monster?" I asked.

"Baby's look like aliens," he clarified with a nod.

Ok then.

Moving on.

As soon as I opened my mouth to speak, Howard jumped up and shushed me, quickly jumping in front of the tv and turning the volume up. By default, my television was set to Celebrity Wire, the latest and greatest celebrity news broadcasting channel. Yes, I was one of those girls.

"Silvia Starling, or should we say Cruise," the curvy brunette host, Angelique Post started, a pleased smile on her face. People seemed to think that Silvia and Austin were just so adorable together. "The 24 year old blonde pop sensation shared some baby news via twitter today," she said as a caption from Silvia's twitter page popped up on the screen. Angelique started reading, "I just can't keep it a secret anymore. I'm pleased to announce to everyone that my first collab with Austin, is a girl!"

I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit, as did Howard.

"So what do you think, audience?" Angelique asked, "Are you excited for Mr. and Mrs. Cruise? Or do you not care? Well, you should. This was a match made in heaven if you ask me."

"Sorry Vi, I'm gonna have to use your bathroom," Howard said while setting baby Chas down between Austin and I on the sofa, "If you two will excuse me, I have to go vomit."

"What's next?" Austin asked. I finally realized how angry he looked. "Wow, she's just going to tell them everything," he got off the couch and headed into the kitchen. He always eats when he's mad. It was cute in a very odd way.

"Why are you mad about it? It's not like a huge deal."

He gently put his hands on the countertop, and shifted his weight so that it was all on one foot, "Not a big deal? Now everyone's going to be asking for a name, and under the pressure, she'd give that to them too. She feeds off of attention, Violet." I knew he liked his life to be private, but honestly, I thought that by now, he would've realized that just wasn't in the plan.

"What's the name?" I asked.

He cracked a smile before stuffing his mouth with potato chips, "None of your damn business," he said while walking back over to me. I stood up now, to be somewhat level with him. I was still and always would be shorter.

"You're not a very good friend," I joked, not realizing that when I said it, it would hit him in some weird, deep place. His smile quickly faded and he shifted his gaze away from me, to the floor. "What's wrong?" I asked.

He shook his head, "Nothing."

"Oh my god Austin, I'm not a fucking idiot! What's wrong with you?"

"I just...I don't like being your friend. I want things to go back to the way they were a year ago when you were more than just my best friend. I love you, Vi," he took a step closer and stroked my cheek with his thumb, almost seeming content with just that.

He was about to go in for the kiss...until Howard walked out and just stared at us, "Oh shit!" He covered his mouth, "Shit! I'm sorry! I'll leave!"

Austin dropped his hand and I took a few steps back, "No, Howard, it's fine."

He ruined a perfect moment!

Austin's phone went off, indicating that he got a new text message. He reached into the pocket of his dark colored dress pants and fished out his phone. He mumbled some curse word before excusing himself from the living room.

"I'm sorry, Violet," Howard stepped closer to me, "I feel like I ruined a moment or something."

"You did," I whined while slumping down into the couch.

"Ok, yeah, but don't pretend like it's the last time that it'll happen. You two obviously love each other and he clearly expresses no interest in Silvia whatsoever."

"He is having a baby with her though!" I snapped. As far as I'm concerned, as soon as that baby came, I'd be lonely again. Silvia would probably make him pick up daddy hours and force the three of them to actually do, celebrity family stuff. She just liked the fame that came with being in a public "relationship" with Austin. And I'm not saying that him having to spend time with his baby is a bad thing, it's actually very good...for the baby at least.

"Well then, trick him into getting you pregnant too. I mean, we all know you're basically his mistress anyways," he took the empty spot next to me on the couch.

"I don't think getting pregnant is worth it. I'm not ready for a baby, hence the reason why you're taking care of my little brother."

"Yeah, that, and I'm better with kids."

Austin came back into the room, distracting me from what I was going to say in response to Howard. "What's wrong?" I asked after realizing that he seemed a little off.

He sat down on the edge of the sofa and ran a hand through his messy brown hair, "I gotta go."

"Why?" Howard asked. I knew it was a stupid question. Don't question it, just accept it.

"Silvia's getting suspicious," he said while standing back up, stretching a little bit as if he's been sitting down for hours.

Huh...I kinda thought she was too stupid to put two pieces together. Surely someone must have hinted something.

"Yeah, apparently she's best friends with Lacey now," he smiled mockingly at me.

If I was drinking something, let me tell you right now, it would have been all over the floor, "Lacey? As in my whore stepmom Lacey?!"

He nodded.

Not good.

Pic of: Howard

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