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The Endless Sea. April 20, 1842. H.M.S. The Selkie. Dining quarters. Noon.

Compared to the crew's first day in the dining quarters, the lunch they had on the 20th was a full-on fiesta. Crewmates and guardsmen spoke with each other as if they'd known one another for years, and even T'chetri and Jake had wide smiles on their faces.

Of course, Captain Thornglade was the rain on this parade.

"I still don't like it," he whispered to Elsa as she took a bite of a bread roll. "We should be training! Preparing! Planning!"

"We will, Archer," Elsa reassured him, wiping her mouth with a napkin. "As soon as T'chetri's friends arrive."

"Why are we waiting on them?" Thornglade hissed. "They're Firemongers! What help will they be?"

"I suppose we'll find out," Elsa replied, calm as ever.

Thornglade sighed in frustration. "I can't believe you're so... serene, considering our position," he grumbled.

"And I can't believe you're so uptight," Elsa shot back. "How many times do I need to tell you to—"

"—loosen up, I know," Thornglade interrupted. "I'm sorry. It's just that I don't believe we'll be able to work out any kind of treaty between Arendelle and this bloodthirsty creature called 'Gharin'."

Elsa smiled and told him, "Come on, Archer—have faith in your fellow man," before taking a sip of tea.

Thornglade's eye twitched. "With all due respect, Your Highness," he said, "your calmness is infuriating."

"Call it a gift," Elsa replied, giving him a rare wink.

The Endless Sea. Rowboat. Same time.

Dala and Ruben watched in fascination as Tore dug into their supplies like a wild bear, pulling out food and eating it repeatedly as if he were a machine. "Um... I hope you know that food's supposed to be for all of us," Dala said warily.

"Hey! Cut me some slack," Tore retorted, mouth full. "I haven't eaten anything but fish in days."

"Well, I haven't eaten much of anything in days, either," Ruben reminded him. "So save some for me!"

Tore smirked and tossed him a bread roll. "Knock yourself out."

Ruben snatched it out of the air and hungrily shoved it into his mouth.

Dala scoffed at their animalistic behavior. "You could at least save your dignity," she mocked playfully.

Ruben opened his mouth to retort, but paused when he saw something in the distance, off to the boat's right. "Hey, look," he said, pointing with his sword-hand.

Dala followed his gaze while Tore gaped at the sword and whispered, "I thought you were just holding a sword."

"Hey!" Dala exclaimed. "That's a ship!" She looked at Ruben. "Turn the boat!"

"You turn the boat!" Ruben snapped back. "I have to eat! Also, in case you haven't noticed, I can't exactly row with one hand."

"Ugh!" Dala threw up her hands. "Fine. I'll do it myself." She glanced at Tore and asked, "Tore, lower the sails, would you?"

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