chapter twelve: blackmail

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"hey kiddo

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"hey kiddo." hopper grunted, stumbling out of his room. his voice was rough and his hair stuck out towards every direction possible.

"you look funny." jane giggled. she went back to staring at her toaster, waiting for her beloved breakfast to pop out.

he scoffed before opening the fridge and pulling out leftover shrimp scampi. eleven rose an eyebrow at him. it was 7 am, but she didn't decide to comment on his eating habits.

as both of them sat down at the table, they began their daily breakfast in silence. jane could smell the alcohol off hopper and she willed herself to not cringe. he must've had a rough night, which wasn't a fortunate mood since jane wanted to talk to him about school.

"so.." jane started, clearing her throat and sitting up straighter, "..have you talked to the school person?"

hopper rose an eyebrow, "the principal?"

jane said nothing, she only nodded. hopper sighs.

"how about i talk to him after breakfast? me and you will go down to the school. i think the office is open during summer." he proposes and hopes the kid isn't mad by his forgetfulness.

hopper understood it was important for jane to go to school. she needed to live a regular life as a teenager, as well as develop her social and motor skills faster and easier. yet he couldn't help but worry about how she'll take it. school was intense, with all the lessons you learn in a day, as well as school work at home and tests and finals and all the students in one tiny hallway. he could list off many reasons for her to stay and be homeschooled, but he knew jane wouldn't listen to any of them.

"okay." jane smiles happily before popping a blueberry into her mouth.


the building was huge, jane remembered the middle-school being like this but not this big. she felt overwhelmed, but excited at the same time. this would be where she would go everyday instead of staying shackled up at home, alone and waiting. she would learn things she didn't know (she didn't know much) and possibly make new friends.

she shook that thought out of her head, she would always stay with the party. well, the party + starling.

she smiled at the thought of her pretty girlfriend and suddenly had the courage to walk in front of hopper, going through the double doors.

she looked around at the empty hall. lockers followed the endless walls as their footsteps echoed through the corridors. the lights almost seemed like they were flickering, but it took jane a few seconds to realize they were just old.

"office." hopper mumbled, pulling the kid to the right and going through the office door.

a lady sat at the desk, not looking up from her sudoku when she heard the door open and close.

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