Chapter 1: The Whole Ordeal

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Draco cursed in ferret language. Potter was on the floor, laughing at the cause of Draco's humiliation. Potter only laughed harder, to the point of tears, when Draco started squeaking at him angrily. Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape walked around the corner and took in the scene in front of them.

"Mr Potter! What happened here?" McGonagall asked, a bit concerned. Snape, however, recognised the ferret who was darting around on the ground. "Potter what have you done to Mr Malfoy?" He demanded. "It-it was a...... A har-harmless pra-prank professors! And besides! H-he started it!" Harry replied, trying to stop himself from breaking out into a new fit of giggles. Draco sat on the pavement, glaring at him in ferrety rage. "Mr Potter, I am disappointed that you would play such a prank on the last day of school! Reverse the jinx immediately!" Professor McGonagall ordered, sternly. Potter sobered (slightly) and cast the counter hex, only for it to glide over Draco with no effect.

Harry stared at the blond ferret for a few seconds before trying again. Once more the counter spell didn't work. The professors realised what was going on and sighed, face-palming. "Mr Malfoy, we will have to contact your parents and explain what has happened just in case we are unable to reverse it before departure." Professor Snape advised, in a disapproving tone.

Ferret Draco was pissed. He was cussing rapid fire towards Potter, who was forced to carry him until they got to Dumbledore's office. They passed the other 2 members of the Golden Trio in the hallway. Harry grinned at Ron and smiled sheepishly at Hermione. Ron almost burst out laughing when he saw Draco, but Hermione hit him on the arm and the two walked away, giggling into their hands. They made it up to the headmaster's office and explained what went on a few minutes prior.

Needless to say; everyone was disappointed in Harry, although the dark haired boy didn't miss the glint of amusement in Dumbledore's eyes. "I will be able to brew a potion to reverse the effects of the spell Potter used, but it will take at least until the end of the summer. I will need to go to Knockturn Alley to buy the ingredients, which are quite expensive." Snape grudgingly admitted. Make Potter pay for it!! It's his fault I'm like this!! Draco squeaked, even though no one could understand him.

"Mr Potter also needs to be punished for his irresponsibility, Albus." McGonagall added. Mr and Mrs Malfoy had joined the 5 of them about 10 minutes before and were quietly listening, while Narcissa held Draco close. Draco tried to tell her to stop petting him but he gave up in the end. They all worked out a solution, after an hour of discussion. Harry was to take Draco with him to his relatives house for half of the summer (which Harry vehemently tried to reject, to no avail) and his parents would pick him up and go home for the rest of the holidays, by the end a counter potion would be ready.

Draco rode on Harry's shoulder in silence as they walked toward the train, refusing to even look at him. Harry sighed. "Look I don't like this anymore than you do. But there are ground rules that you will need to follow. If you don't follow them then something bad will go down." Draco glanced at him, nodded once to show he understood and looked away again.

"One. You will be as quiet as possible at all times, unless my family is out of the house. Two. If you are caught you will run and hide as soon as possible. No matter what. Third and final rule. Don't question anything. Don't repeat anything you see to anyone else. Don't judge me."

Draco was surprised by the amount of secrecy and caution he was supposed to follow, but he agreed anyway. "Do you want to sit with your friends until we get to the station?" Potter asked, shockingly considerate, as they walked between the compartments of the cherry red steam train. Draco nodded (he figured he was going to do a lot of that) and was promptly dumped on Blaise's lap. "What the fu... Wait is this Draco??!" Blaise exclaimed, remembering the fiasco that happened with Moody (or rather Crouch Jr) and Potter smiled awkwardly. "Yeah.... Just be sure to drop him off with me once we get there. I'm supposed to be taking him home with me." He clarified before doing a 180 and walking away to find the rest of his trio.

Harry was glad that Zabini wasn't one of the more stuck up Slytherins and did as Harry asked. When they reached the station the dark haired boy opened his baggy jersey. "Hide in here, they won't see you because it's oversized. I'll drop you off in my bedroom when we get to the house." He rolled his eyes when Draco hesitated. "I washed it last night, now get in." At that, the blond ferret scampered up and hid in the thin material.

"Get in, boy!" Uncle Vernon ordered, his gruff voice more agitated than usual. Harry obediently sat in the back of the car and prayed that everything wouldn't fall to pieces. Draco had to try not to figit, as not to be seen. He could tell that Potter was nervous, though he wasn't sure why. Maybe it has to do with his uncle. He seems rather... brutish. Draco thought. He almost sighed in relief when the car finally stopped. Harry and his uncle walked in and Vernon locked the door behind them.

"Don't forget that you've got your chores to do, boy. And get dinner on the table by 6. You know what happened last time." He left the threat hanging in mid-air and Harry gulped. "Yes Uncle Vernon... but may I go upstairs to set up Hedwig's cage?" He asked, carefully. Vernon grunted and waved his hand in the direction of the stairs. Harry sprinted up and unlocked his door as fast as possible. He placed his owl's cage on his desk, where it usually went, and put Draco on his bed.

"If you hear footsteps coming upstairs, get under the bed. No exceptions." Potter said sternly before fleeing downstairs. Draco looked around at the small room. He expected it to be bigger and more grand. Y'know, like a Saviour would live. But no. He had a tiny bed with a worn out mattress, a flat pillow and a thin blanket. The wardrobe and drawers seemed unused. He had watched Potter's uncle lock his suitcase in the cupboard under the stairs, so it wasn't present in the room. Wait, weren't Potter's clothes in there? What's he going to wear? Draco wondered. His attention settled on the snowy white owl sitting quietly in her metal cage.

They tilted their heads at each other for a few moments, before losing interest in the other animal that had been brought into their presence. After an hour footsteps were heard coming up the stairs and, remembering the warning, Draco jumped off the bed and hid underneath it. Harry stumbled into the room a few moments after. "Malfoy? You here?" He murmured. The blond ferret moved into the centre of the floor and reeled back at the black eye Potter was sporting. He started squeaking in alarm and the black haired boy scowled. "Shhhh! You're going to be heard!" Harry whisper-shouted.

Draco realised that this was serious and stopped making noise, although reluctantly. Potter sighed in relief and took off his jersey. He folded it neatly and put it on the floor. "It isn't the best solution I could come up with, but it was the only one I found. When it's time to sleep you can move it under the bed and use it, that way you won't be seen. My relatives don't come in my room very often so there's a low chance of seeing you." He quietly explained, visably jittery. He stared back at the ferret that wasn't moving from his spot on the floor and rolled his eyes. "Sorry, Your Majesty, but I'm desperate at this point. Your parents will kill me if something happens to you. Well... If my relatives don't kill me first..." He muttered the last part in hopes that Draco wouldn't hear. But he did.

He frowned in concern. It didn't make sense to him. Isn't he supposed to be spoiled? Isn't that what Uncle Sev told us? Even Dumbledore implied that he was treated perfectly... Did he lie or didn't he know? Draco thought as he made himself comfortable on Potter's folded up jersey. The Boy Who Lived seemed relieved that the ferret was cooperating with him, something he didn't expect but was thankful anyway. "Freak! Get down here, you have to do the gardens!" A high pitched voice yelled out and Harry sighed. "I'll be back. I'm not sure when, but I'll be back." He petted Draco between the ears and ruffled a few of Hedwig's feathers before leaving the sanctuary.

When Potter returned to his room for the final time that night he collapsed on his bed, nearly crushing Draco in the process. Harry was too exhausted to apologise and zoned out when the angry squeaks started. "Shut your trap Malfoy, they're gonna hear you." He muttered and the ferret became silent. Harry rolled onto his side and closed his eyes, before feeling a slight shift in the bed. When he opened his bright green eyes again there were small grey eyes and blond fur right in front of him. He raised an eyebrow when Draco cocked his head to the side. He sighed in defeat.

"You're questioning all of this aren't you?" He asked in a quiet, sad tone. Draco nodded slowly. Harry smiled even though tears were forming in his eyes. "Saint Potter doesn't live like you think he does...."

Posted: 25th August 2019

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