Chapter 9: Getting Ready

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Harry sat on the edge of his bed, with his knees to his chest. He had just sent a letter to Mr and Mrs Malfoy asking if they would not show up at the front door the next morning, for if they did they would come face to face with unpleasantness. He didn't specify what unpleasantness, that was just how he worded it. He asked them to meet him at the playground at the end of Magnolia Crescent at 3:30pm, so he could escape the house to deliver their son.

He wasn't sure if they had received the letter, as Hedwig hadn't come back yet. Harry felt anxious; the uncomfortable type of anxiety that wormed its way over your skin, through your veins, into your head, leaving a tight, almost winded sensation in your chest despite the breaths you know you're taking. Like a snake was crawling up your side on its way to whisper 'what ifs' in your ear.

The tension in his body was barely relieved by the deep intakes of breath he forced himself to inhale. He had to stay strong for a little longer; for Draco, for Ron, Hermione, Sirius... Just a little bit longer. He only had to last until tomorrow afternoon then he could request to live with the Weasleys or maybe even his godfather. God knew where he was hiding out these days, maybe Remus was with him too.

Draco was lying at the foot of his bed, he'd conked out not too long ago. Harry was envious of his ability to sleep anywhere at any time. He was rather sleep deprived as of late, with his nightmares and insomnia keeping him awake. He'd lean back into his pathetic excuse for a mattress and stare at the ceiling, praying for a good night or at the very least a dreamless one. Voldemort rising from the cauldron and Cedric's dead body haunted the back of his eyelids.

Harry jumped when a white figure flew in through his open window. He relaxed somewhat when his brain registered the image of the snowy white owl. She didn't have a letter attached to her, either meaning she didn't stick around long enough for a reply or the Malfoys weren't planning on sending one anyway.

Hedwig chirred as Harry carded his hand over her feathers, nuzzling her head into his arm. Harry smiled and exhaled slowly, everything would be fine. He had his gorgeous familiar with him, he wouldn't be alone even after Draco had gone back to his family. His heart panged at the thought of the ferret leaving. He'd grown on him, admittedly, and it would be hard to watch him go despite the fact he would be happier there.

Harry sighed and lied down, pulling his thin blankets over his body. Hedwig hopped over to her cage and settled in, tucking her head under her wing. Remembering that Draco was still at the foot of his bed, he quickly but gently placed him on the jersey that was still under the bed. Now that both his pets - Harry grinned internally at calling Draco his pet - were safe and asleep, he then settled down himself, hoping to Merlin that the next day would be OK.


Narcissa Malfoy read through the missive again. Tomorrow she would be going with her husband to pick up her son. The letter Potter sent them was strangely worded, as if there was more to say but he didn't deem it necessary. Lucius and her would be apparating to the destination the boy had requested of them, though it was strange that he thought it would be unpleasant meeting his relatives. If she was honest it probably would be, as his relatives were muggles. Meeting the muggles wouldn't bother her that much because she would be more focused on seeing her baby, Lucius though would probably be a different story.

Narcissa wondered if she should send a reply, but seeing as they would be meeting each other the next afternoon, it would be pointless.

Her husband was in his office and would be for a little while longer. With the Dark Lord newly risen there would be stress on his shoulders. Both of the senior Malfoys wished they never signed themselves to that monster's service, all the pain and suffering they'd witnessed and experienced. That wasn't the world they wanted Draco, their son and heir, to be a part of. But in 1 short year he was expected to take the mark for himself.

Narcissa had thought about this a lot. Lucius had too. She wasn't sure if Draco had thought about it, since he didn't know for certain that his parents' Lord had truly been reborn. But he would know soon, as unfortunate as the situation was, because the Dark Lord was wandering their halls at that very minute. Draco would be coming back tomorrow and would have to face him one way or another.


The next morning Harry woke up as early as possible. He tried to finish his jobs quickly so he would have more of a chance to escape at the appropriate time. But where one thing goes right, another goes wrong. It was quickly determined that he would be sporting a bruise on his right cheek, a welt on his arm and a small pain in his wrist.

As the clock drew nearer and nearer to 3 o'clock, Harry got more and more anxious. The anxiety wormed its way, once again, over his skin, through his veins and into his head. His performance with his chores suffered because of his sleep deprivation, his hair standing on end and his palms sweating. He accidentally dropped the washing on the floor, put the cups in the plate cupboard and spilled milk on the counter while making tea.

This earned him more bruises and come 3:05 Harry was desperate to get out. The gardening had been completed, he was covered in dirt and sweat that clung to him like a second skin. He was allowed a short shower due to his unclean state and he managed to snag a pair of his nicer clothes from his suitcase. If he was going to meet the Malfoys with a bruised face, a split brow, sprained wrist and scraped up knees then he might as well wear something decent.

3:25 came and Harry snuck up to his room to grab the blond ferret. It was time.

Posted: 6th June 2020

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