Meeting at a Party

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A bunch of my friends kept bugging me to go to this party. I was the type of girl who just wanted to get her work done, read a book or stay at home watching a movie. Not this time, they kept begging me to go.

I gave in and said yes which got them excited. So here I am. Getting ready for a party I don't even want to attend. I decided to wear light washed high waist jean shorts, a peach color t-shirt, and my light baby blue vans. Why not?

I get into my under garments before putting on the outfit. Then I grab a pair of light grey socks and put those on. Afterwards I put my outfit on checking myself out in the mirror. I look decent as I call my friend. She gives me the address. I put it in google maps, grab my keys and head to the party.


Caleb's POV

I didn't mind the party, I was just very introverted when it came to certain people. Luckily no one has noticed who I am. Probably cause I'm in a disguise. This is my friends party but I didn't want fans following me home.

When my friend found me, he greeted me.
"What's with the disguise?" He asked.

"I don't want people seeing me here," I said to him in response. He shook his head side to side.

"No one is going to notice you here," He took off my disguise and I felt comfortable. All of a sudden I turn to see a beautiful girl walk in with a couple of friends. She looks out of place here. Just like me. She smiles at one of her friends. Her friend grabs her hand and decides to dance with her.

"Whose she?" I asked Charles. He laughed and shook his head at me.

"You're never gonna get with her," she replied. I frowned at him not knowing what he meant, "She's independent, a hard worker. She doesn't really date."

"You'll have to see about that," I said then moved to where she was. I watched her intently as she danced. Everything going in slow motion. I think they felt it too.



Bella wanted to dance so I agreed. Yet a guy with blue eyes and braces kept glancing his way over here. When Bella turned to where I was looking.

She smiled, "You should talk to him." My eyes widen as I shook my head. She sighed, "Then dance with me." I nod.

We kept dancing and it felt like the world went in slow motion. I noticed him walking towards us. Stopping and watching us dance.

Bella smiled and leaned towards my ear, "Talk to him. Obviously he has your attention." She slurred. I nod as I walk towards him, noticing him staring at me.

"Hello," I yelled over the music.

"Hi!" He yelled back. He grabbed my hand taking me somewhere. We go into the backyard where only a few people are. He takes me behind the shed.

"Had to take us away from the music," he replied with a small shrug. Obviously flustered that he took us all the way here.

"Was all the way back here really necessary?" I asked. He shrugged again with a smile.

That smile, my mind thought.

"I wanted to talk to you," I playfully rolled my eyes. Crossing my arms against my chest.

"I'm Caleb, Caleb Finn," he held out his hand for me to shake.

"Caleb Finn the TikTok Star?" I asked calmly. Caleb awkwardly nodded. Not knowing I'd react.

"What're you doing at a party?" I asked him. He rubbed the back of his neck.

"I'm a human and wanted to have fun. Meet new people," He explained. I nod shaking his hand.

"I'm y/n," I tell him.

"Pretty name," he responds.

"Thank you," I responded.

"Wanna go get ice cream or something?"

"I'd like that." We hold hands to my car and leave the party.


Well I hope you liked the mini story! Requests are open! Also I'll be posting two or three mini stories a day so watch closely! Love u all and I love Caleb 🖤

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