Jeff The Killer

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I have this irrational fear of Slender man, Jeff the killer and the Rake. Yes its stupid to be scared of Creepypasta characters but whenever I hear stories that involve them, I get scared. I was picked on and bullied because of it, which is bullshit. Oh, my name is Millie by the way and no, I'm not Millie Bobby Brown lol. But yeah, I hate being picked on.

I have hardly any friends to stick up for me, so I have to stand up for myself. "Look what the Rake dragged in ladies and gentlemen. Its Millie the scaredy cat," I heard Drake yell out. Him and his little friend group laughed but nobody else did, which I was surprised. "It's not funny anymore Drake, leave Millie alone you idiot," I heard an unknown voice say. I spun around to see a tall skinny figure with dark hair and a white hoodie, I nearly screamed when I saw him.

He looked at me with solemn eyes that were a mix of red and blue. I at first thought it was Jeff the Killer but I was clearly wrong. His voice was way different from Jeff's and not that rough sounding. But I wasn't convinced enough to think it wasn't Jeff. "Come Millie, I would like to speak to you," he said with a soft voice.

I followed him into a classroom that was vacated for the day and he flipped on the lights. The lights blinded me for just a moment but they adjusted pretty quickly and saw that he was sitting at the teachers desk. "Please sit my dear, we have much to talk about," he told me calmly. I was very confused and wanted to run but something inside me, told me not to and to sit down. I felt like he asked me 100 questions about myself and asked me if I knew anything about the Slender Man.

I hesitated and told him that I had a goofy fear of him and another creature that people called the Rake. He grinned at me and I had a very bad feeling that something terrible was going to happen. "You know, fear is what makes things like him exist in our world right," he asked me. My eyes widened and I felt scared, I wanted to run out of the room and slam the door on him. All of a sudden the lights in the whole school shut off and saw in the dark, his bright white hoodie.

His laugh sounded like a mad-man and I heard it. His voice changed from soft to....Jeff's voice. "You should have ran Millie," he said, mocking me. I tried running to the door to escape but, I was met by him.....Slender man. I screamed so loudly, I thought that people outside could hear me. In which, I was right people did hear my scream. The Principal, teachers, and staff came running to the once locked room to so call "save" me.

Once the door was unlocked and opened, I blacked out and fell. When I woke up, I was in the nurses office with some chick next to me and for some reason, she looked worried. "Ayye, your awake. How are you feeling," she asked me. "Uhh, fine. Uh who are you exactly," I asked her. "My apologies. I'm Gwen, I'm new here," she replied.

She walked with me to my classes as if she was a bodyguard. We said nothing as we walked together but during our lunch break, she broke the silence. "So uh, what happened back there," she asked me. I shivered a bit but I had to tell her. "You know that 'new' guy, right? Well uh he's actu-," I trailed off as I saw him walk past us.

I pointed at him to show her who I was talking about. She looked at him then back at me. "What? Wait, are you saying he locked you in that room," she asked me. I nodded violently and almost passed out again but regained my strength. "Not just that. I think he's Jeff the Killer. I'm not 100% but it might actually be him. Please don't laugh at me," I asked her.

"Me? Laugh at you? No way, I believe you actually. He does look like Jeff in a way. Kinda creepy to be honest," she replied. I sighed in relief and happiness, I finally gained a friend. Me and her are going to investigate into this further until we solve this little case. "Oh hey! Where do you want to sit," she asked startling me. "Follow me, I will show you where I eat my lunch, just don't tell any of the other students know," I told her.

I let her follow me into one of the computer rooms in the library and ate while we started doing research. "I think I found somfing," I heard her say with food in her mouth. I chuckled at her but looked at her. She swallowed and told me about the asylum that you can supposedly 'summon' him from. "Interesting, let's keep looking. I can save that on my secret flash drive," I said in a genius like tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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