𝕂𝕚𝕞 ℍ𝕠𝕟𝕘𝕛𝕠𝕠𝕟𝕘

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Oh my gosh

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Oh my gosh.... sooo cuuuuute
You can describe this man in so many ways 🥺

It's nighttime. The worst night of my life. Life's a pain in the ass really...

"It's over."
"Huh? Suddenly?" I ask only in confusion.
"Yeah. I mean obviously you don't know how to handle a relationship."

My boyfriend or now called ex, broke up with me. I tried my best to keep our relationship going.

"And I know I've seen better girls out there."
That hurt.
"What do you mean? You acted fine yesterday."

I found out he was only faking his emotions. He told me he hated me. I still love him though. It hurt me just to know he didn't love me back. Tears were falling like raindrops from the sky.

"I'm leaving. I shouldn't be wasting my time on something like you." He said turning around about to leave.

"No, don't go!" I cried out grasping his arm for the last time.
"Dirty bitch, I don't know why I asked you out." He pushed me to the ground, harshly.

And I don't know why I said 'yes' to your confession....

After minutes of being alone and wincing in pain, a figure stood in front of me.

"Excuse me, are you okay? It's dangerous to be here alone at night especially for a girl like you."
"Oh uh I'm fine." I said swiping my tears away, attempting to stand up.

But that made it worst. I fell back down wincing in even more pain. Scraping your skin against the ground is not fun.

"Omo, let me take you to the convenience store nearby. I can help you." He said.

His eyes glistened under the light posts.
His red hair blew past the soft wind.
His hooking lips crescent for a smile.

I've already fallen for this man.

"Here, let me apply some ointment. Is that okay?"
I nodded feeling slightly nervous. I tried looking away to get my mind off it.

"Look here," He said, his hand turning my face towards his.
"You'll be fine. I know what I'm doing." He reassured me while chuckling.

I mean, you cute or whateva.

It stung a bit.
I clenched my fists and shut my eyes tightly, only to feel a hand caressing my knee.
"Calm down, I didn't finish the bandages yet." He chuckled again, only this time cuter.

After finishing, the guy helped me stand up.
"I'm Kim Hongjoong by the way."

"Oh I'm Yoon ____ ."
Hongjoong nodded, keeping his crescent smile.
"I was hoping we could become friends, so here's my number." He gave me a small piece of paper.

"I can take you to your house if you want?"
"Oh no, you don't have to. I'll be safe." I reassured him.
"Arasso! Well, goodbye!"
"Bye bye!"

Our friendship grew after months. We're close friends now, what more could I ask for?
We'd always hang out at each other's houses, watching movies or messing around.
We were always together like today...

"_____, I need to tell you something..."
"What's wrong Hongjoong?"
"It bothered me so much to tell you that, I like you."

I chuckled.
"No you don't."
"But you heard me say it."
"Silly, you love me, and I love you too."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately.
I had a feeling this relationship would go better than the last relationship...

Ok ok.
Well, I have more planned for you but let me know what scenarios should be in these Imagines! I need more ideas! And vote for these!

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