𝕂𝕒𝕟𝕘 𝕐𝕖𝕠𝕤𝕒𝕟𝕘 (1/2)

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Oh it's da baby 🥺Man, he looks so darn cute

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Oh it's da baby 🥺
Man, he looks so darn cute.

"Let's break up." Felix sternly says in his deep voice.
"what.. but why?" My voice cracks a bit, broken with his words.

"You know why." He scoffed and looked at me for a response.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" I yelled.

It was midnight at the park. We were alone so I wasn't afraid to yell if I had to.
"It's really obvious that you were flirting with Yeosang. I mean what am I to you, _____? I thought you were better that that."

"Felix, I never flirted with Yeosang.. I only loved you. I put you first before anything!" I cried out. I know Felix wouldn't say such a thing, but he did.

"Really? I know about your 'secret dates' with Yeosang. I know how you're constantly with him everyday and you say you put me first before anything?!"

"Felix, you're just misunderstanding... we wouldn't be here if you weren't that jea-"
"Look, we're over. From now on, Let's just pretend we're strangers." He turned around and left.

My legs trembled. I felt empty.. Felix was everything that completed me.

Friends since elementary, dated since our first year of high school, and then I met Yeosang on our third year of high school.
College has me held up, so does work. I wanted a better relationship with Felix.

I met up with Yeosang every once in a while to get some advice for my relationship with Felix. But now Felix misunderstood and all the advice is useless.

I know this sounds crazy but I'm still in love with Felix..

My heart hurts and I feel like I'm gonna puke.
I quickly head home from the park.

As I reached the bathroom, I put myself over the toilet. Puking isn't the best feeling ever. It's nasty and the reason because of it is nasty as well.

I took a cold shower and went to bed.

I woke up to my alarm. My head is pounding with pain. I'll just skip school today. I took a 'short' nap.

I woke up again at 12 pm. It's getting hot in the room. I got up opening the windows. Breeze let itself in as it was already the middle of Fall.
I looked at my phone, 13 messages from Yeosang and none from Felix.

I pulled up my chat with Felix which was recent, before the breakup.
I started typing.

Baby Jikseu 💋 Lix's Future Wife 💍

Yongbok, I don't feel the best today. Don't be concerned. Thinking of you will make me feel better.

Seen by Baby Jikseu 💋

I miss you, Felix.. I don't want you to go.
Message can't send. Resend?

Please contact the right number before taking action. The following user does not exist in your contacts anymore. Please try again another time.

Baby Jikseu 💋 has blocked this user

So, he blocked me?
Suddenly, my door opened revealing Yeosang.
He ran up to me with a bag full of snacks and medicine.
"_____, are you okay? You're pale."

"I'm fine." I sat up only to feel a sharp pain through my head.
"Just a bad headache." I grunted.

"Here's some medicine"
"Yeosang I'm fine." I pushed away his offer.
"____, you need to get better."
"Look Yeosang, I'm fine! I don't need your help!"

I've realized the reason Felix ended it with me was because of Yeosang. He was the reason. All of the sudden I got angry.

He sighed. "____,-"
"Don't talk to me."
"Is it about Feli-"

"Don't talk about Felix,"
"It's your fault Felix broke up with me." I looked down not making any eye contact.
"It's no one's fault ____"
"It's your fault!, that the love of my life broke up with me!" I screamed and cried while pushing Yeosang away from me.

"Why'd you have to interfere with our relationship?!" I cried.
"____, calm down!" Yeosang yelled gripping onto my wrists pinning them to the bed.

I looked at Yeosang and he was on top of me. He was flustered and got up.

"I-if you need help, j-just tex-t me." He stuttered as he left.

I laid there, very still. What just happened?

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