So yeah this is what happened last night. I had this weird ass dream and I wrote it in my notes. So this is the story of:
My Weirdest Dream Ever!
At first two people a girl with electric blue hair with pigtails and a dude came into a creepy old house and have a creepy mannequin in the house. They stay there a couple of nights and then are chased out by one of four options that I had to chose.
3&4 I didn't see because I woke up when I was on the second option.Okay so they run out of the house and go to a crowded bar and then call a priest to expel the spirit. The priest freaks out when he sees the horned, black, spirt. He forgets all of his training and runs away. Unfortunately he was still in the house where I then saw a little girl behind him who choked him to death from behind.
Then, a few years later after that happen, Siegbert and I then go to the house that is rundown and in the woods because it was For Sale and we went there in the morning to check it out. We decide to rent the place for summer and we also decided to renovate it.
We've stayed there for about a month. We've finished redoing the outside and the inside but we still have yet to clean out the creepy old closet that still has the previous tenants old stuff that they forgot to get out. But on top of their old boxes there is a creepy, wooden Mannequin on top of the boxes. Sitting down in a limp position. It's like those small wooden dolls that are used in art that you can pose. It was like that but the size of a above average man.
Siegbert keeps on saying "Get rid of the mannequin."
"Get rid of the mannequin."
But I'm not listening to him. Which I find strange (In real life not dream me. Dream me was an much older. Like a college version of me. But less broke.) and I keep on putting off the task "We'll do it later." "We'll do it when we finish putting our stuff in." Until I finally get annoyed and finally say"Fine since it's been bothering you so much We'll burn the damn thing tonight."
After it gets dark we are in the bedroom that we are sharing for the time being until we can get our own beds in. And the problem is that the old closet is in our room.
Siegbert and I hears something creak open. He peeks and sees the closest door slowly open. It's right across from us and we can see the creepy door open slowly even though we had the window closed in our room. We then see the mannequin that was lifeless that then started twitching and spazzing. As it started to transform into a god damn wedigo. It's half human half deer thing with sharp teeth and boney, Lanky body then launches at us.
Siegbert being the tall person he is kicks the damn thing in the face and grabs the lamp that we've been using at it. It's was dazed for a few moments but just enough that we could leave. It starts to chase us through the woods and we are running and running as fast as we can and we get to an abandoned, old, ranch. Great
We then see a red glowing war horse unicorn thing. Looking straight at us. It looks away because it doesn't care about us at all. We then hide behind some old barrels. Then the injured wedigo comes in looking for our asses and seeing the war horse unicorn thing. It goes up to it slowly and then we start hearing noises and we both look behind the barrels to see the things fucking each other. We then look at each other disgusted at what we are hearing and what we saw.
We then realized we were trapped there and we had to wait it out. Because our only exit was where we came in. If we tried to move it would alert the wedigo. If we tried to run and jump the old fences it would also alert the wedigo because it could see us running or hear us jumping the fence. Siegbert and I are disgusted at the moment. We don't know what to do. We are trying to think of an escape plan but we can't talk to loud because it would alert the two thing fucking at the moment and we can't even hear each other or ourselves with whispering.
We then decide to say "Fuck it we're leaving this place." Because we see a fire start happening and we book it in a crouch run type style. The wedigo doesn't notice us and we leave running as fast as we can. We then slow done. Wondering as to what the fuck did we just witness. We're not even afraid at this point we're just horrified at what we witnessed at the ranch barn. We then both agree to get the fuck out of there.
We go back to our house, that we somehow find managed to find in these big ass woods. We go into Siegbert's truck and we stay out Alexaz's and Shiro's house for the night. And this is how we answered. Word for word.
Me: Heey you two. Do you mind if we.. uhhmm stay for I don't know for the night.
Alexaz: Why?
Siegbert: We've has a long night and we're question our existence and what we just saw.
Shiro: What did ya see?
Siegbert: Considering that we saw a murderer in our closet that tried to kill us as we ran into the woods to save ourselves and then witnessing that same murderer then having sex with a horse I'd say we've had an eventful night so far.
Alexaz: Hold up, Hold up, WHAT!? OKAY go back did I hear that correctly? Okay say that again.
Me: long story short Someone tried to kill us and then we witnessed that person fuck a horse. So yeah you did heard us right. And yes we are also questioning what just happened and we are still wondering what the hell just happened ourselves and we are questioning if that was real or that we had the same fucked up dream
And the two of them just looked at us and they were questioning as to what the hell they were hearing because after all we just woke them up at two o'clock in the morning. They are still in their pajamas. And the decide to say a metal "Fuck it whatever" and they let us in. Siegbert was staying in Shiro's room because they're bros and it's obvious that they love each other but are denying on how cute they are together while I sleep with Alexaz like I've done hundreds of times in the past. We all then wake up and the news is on. A wildfire was started in the woods that we were in last night and fire fighters are still dealing with it this morning. Siegbert and I then look at each other and we are starting to believe what we saw was real but we weren't totally convinced. So we then decide to go back. TO THE HAUNTED CABIN! But this time we bring Alexaz and Shiro because we needed back up as to tell us we weren't crazy.
So we all go into the cabin, which was somehow untouched by the fire.
We go into our room. The lamp was broken and in the same place that Siegbert had thrown it. Scratch marks on the inflatable bed that it attempted to kill the two of them. The closet door still wide open with all the boxes still in place like it always was. The only problem was there was. No. Mannequin.
Siegbert and I then go pale white. As we both thought the same thing. What happened last night was real. And we also realized that we witnessed someone fucking a horse.And then I woke up at home. In my bed wondering
"What the hell was my dream?"
So yeah.
So yeah.
Word count:1408
Monday. August 12. 2019.
Weird stuff [DISCONTINUED]
UmorYeah so this is the place where the stupid, the weird, and the perverted come out to play. This is my general day of life and I've proceed to give up on everything. I'm seriously starting to believe that I have some sort of mental disorder or I'm...