Before Sunrise

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We fear the thing we want the most. I'm so afraid of losing something I love, that I refuse to love anything. I'm afraid love is just a word. Loving can cost a lot but not lovingalways costs more, and those who fear to love often find that want of love is an emptiness that robs the joy from life.


To: Lee Donghae

From: Kim Heechul

So, I decided to throw a party at my house this New Year's eve because—I just want to. Do I even need to have a reason? You are lucky enough that I invited you and NO LEE DONGHAE, YOU CANNOT RUN AWAY THIS YEAR LIKE WHAT YOU DID LAST YEAR. I will make sure that Hyukjae will hunt you on every corner of the country if you skip my year end party AGAIN!!

With heavy heart, Lee Donghae walks side by side with his closest friend Lee Hyukjae on the way to the Great Kim Heechul annual year end party. "It is not that bad Hae, I mean, I've been to most of Hyung's party and they are kinda wild—but not so wild." Hyukjae's explanation makes Donghae more confused than ever, "You are not making any sense, Hyuk."

Kim Heechul is a perfect example of a wild person. He likes to hang out with random people in school—even outside the school. He has the weirdest fashion sense that always make the professors shake their heads. He is also gay—which is not really a big deal for both Donghae and Hyukjae—not a big deal if he will not make out with his boyfriend in front of their friends. He is also rich—like crazy rich. His party can be compared to a Zoo—with random animals walking in and out of the house.

"I can already hear the loud music coming from his house—and we are still 2 blocks away from his home." Donghae remarks that on makes Hyukjae shake his head.

Donghae and Hyukjae have been best of friends since middle school. Donghae can't remember how they started hanging out but Hyukjae once told him that he can still remember the color of Donghae's shirt when they first met and how he asked his phone number right away. To make it simpler, they grew fond of each other and they literally grew up together.

"You know Hae, if you don't really want to celebrate with Heechul Hyung, I can explain it to him and you can go back home already. I will try to think of an excuse for you." And since they were young, Hyukjae has been Donghae's black knight. He can seriously sacrifice himself for Donghae.

The latter guy shakes his head and smile at his friend, "No Hyuk—you always make an excuse for me and we both know how sharp Hyung is. He will know that you are trying to cover up for me—again. So no thanks, and let's try to enjoy the party." His smile is an assurance for Hyukjae that this night will be a great night—he thinks.

Heechul immediately hugs his dongseang the moment they entered his front door, "Ahhh my baby Lee Donghae finally decided to go out and enjoy the last day of the year~" Hyukjae knows well that Heechul already drunk too many that he is becoming more expressive and more savage— "So all you need is my great dongseang here Hyukjae and you will eventually come out of your cave, Donghae~" he is squeezing both of them so tight.

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