Rip 👶🏽🕊

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2 months later

Princess POV
I've been stress the whole week bitches was trying me at the mall and also my old therapist came back threatened me and some stupid shit so one morning I woke up I felt empty inside but I'm pregnant so I'm just like it's probably just a feeling pregnant women get but I got up and turned to see if melly got up to and I-I-I saw blood cover our Pearly white sheets I yelled melly  jumped up and I walked to the bathroom and I just looked at myself in the mirror and boom I fell on my back onto the soft carpet so I woke up hours later to feel all these wires hooked up to me now I'm worried I see melly sitting in the room with his knees to his chest and he was crying y-yes melly demons crying I didn't wanna think the worst so I said m-melly  he looked at and just busted into tears I was really confused but then i remember that when I woke up it was empty feeling  a empty feeling inside of me I looked at melly and i said n-no no no!!! No melly I didn't he looked at me and said " i- it's ok it's not yo-" I cut him off while holding my chest saying I killed our baby melly I was suppose to keep him/her safe instead I-i killed them melly fuck is wrong with me what was I thinking I can't even matter of fact I want to die sometimes an- and I thought I could take care of a baby FUCK!! I screamed while melly was holding me saying it's going to be ok later on I didn't even bother to come out the room melly didn't leave my Side at all I really appreciate him so much but I -I can't believe I killed our child like wtf was my body thinking letting this happen melly walked in and said "bae we have to talk"  my heart fell when he said that what if he didn't want a wife who killed his child what if- he cut my thought off by saying "I love u with all my heart we gone be together until death and fuck till death do us part cuz we gone be together when we die here you go bae" he said while handing me a little cute cup dog I screamed and said thanks and i love you much so many feelings then I stopped smiling then remembered the tragic event of what happened I lost the baby I looked at melly and tears were fallin I said to him what did I do wrong  he said " nothing even though u may not say anything to bs people get to our mind s and that what's caused it stress you know but it's not ya fault god just gave you a sign that it wasn't the right time okay" I shook my head in agreement we just went back to having the time of our lives with our new dog "prince" me and melly kissed and we went to sleep just so I won't cry


Princess sadly lost her baby's

Melly didn't have a POV cuz princess needed to tell in her own words but next chapter fa sho🤮🖤❤️👉🏾👈🏽👍🏾

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