RePeAt 🥱

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So it's New Year's Eve an me an princess decided that we just wanted to chill in the house because niggas gettin a lil to crazy out there, I was currently in the living room chillin yk the regular until I thought of a lyric In my head  " your love is suicidal" the lyrics kept replaying in my head the part that was for princess was making my heart ache I wanted her back an I'm gonna get me my lil shawty back

Princess POV
So melly yelled his big head ass upstairs that he was gonna go to the studio "ok love you to" I said before then I hear the front door close melly have been on my mind heavy lately an I just want my nigga back an I don't like keeping my feelings all cooped up my body m-my head hurt from me keeping my feeling in I felt my cheeks get moist just thinking of him yet I didn't let him know how I felt, a shower was calling my name so I went to my dresser an open my bottom drawer an pull out some gray Milano shorts an I decided at that moment fuck shirts so I grabbed my gray an black sports bra also fuck underwear I slowly walked to the bathroom adjust the water to a nice hot then I stripped out of my clothes I get in and I just take it all in that I really am such a fuck up I start crying again but at this point I'm sobbing but nobody would be able to tell because of the water splashing an the steam, I grab my vanilla bean body wash an my wash cloth I start showering minutes later I'm done I walk into my room an lotion with the same sent of my body wash hits my nose

Sleep barley eat cry sleep shower smile in melly face not telling him how I feel repeat

I feel like I fucked every thing up melly ju-just is my every thing an me losing him was my worst fear an here I am when he noticed he he always says "bae we are on a break we did not break up your still mines" but I can't but feel like one day this break is gonna turn into a break up my thoughts must have took me to space because I heard melly screaming my name in my face I flinch an turn my head  y-yes "princess you good y-your crying" I felt my cheek an notice it's completely soaked in tears oh i didn't even notice it I said smiling he shook his head "babygirl I've been noticing you not ya self please please tell me what's wrong I can't keep letting you beat yourself up over whatever is bothering you" m-melly i-i-I can't keep saying I'm ok because I'm not I've been cryin an not eating because I fucking miss you having us so distance is bothering my soul so much I just want you all the time without having to say It's to toxic to do this it's to toxic to do that I've been on repeat melly I literally do the same thing all an every day sleep try to eat but the pain won't let me cry shower  I can't I really fucking can't I wanted to cut yesterday but I couldn't I promised you that I'll never do it again I'm slowly numb to all of this i barley talk to you because my body breaks down as soon as it's in your presence me-melly I really can't fucking stand being this hurt I don't know why I'm even crying I think about something you do and boom I cry fuck it im just a fuck up

Melly pov
As she speaks of her hurt I relate so much that I don't even say anything I'm blinking away the tears but there obviously there the last part blew me away "fuck up" I instantly stand up princess your not a fucking fuck up if anything your a angel you make me happy I've been feeling the things you've been feeling to I cried so much yesterday I had to pry my eyes open princess get back with me please p-please y-your mines all mines I will never ever think of a break again your my lil baby I'm so happy that I'm talking to you right now even if I'm we're crying I miss you I really do yo ass really got me in a bundle of some type of spell but p-please don't unwrap me baby as I hug her we hold each other so tight we fell asleep

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