008 - Rooftop

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WARNING: Things get a little heated in this chapter 👀 (they're 16/17)

~Your POV~

"Look for Imperial Panda and Kaufman shoes," Robin told us. Her, Steve, Dustin, and I were hiding on rooftop of the mall and taking turns looking through a pair of binoculars that Dustin had brought with him.

There were a few guys standing there, one in a yellow raincoat, whistling and wheeling a cart around with boxes stacked on top of it. "There with that whistling guy, ten o'clock," Dustin pointed at the guy.

"What do you thinks in there?" Steve asked him, his voice muffled by the rain that pouring down on us. "Guns, bombs?" Dustin asked, and Robin added onto the list with chemical weapons. "Whatever it is, they're armed to the teeth."

Dustin was right. There were two men lined on the brick wall, armed with guns, walkie talkies, and bullet proof vests, in front of two large metal doors. "Great. That's great," Steve said sarcastically.

Someone else then opened up the two doors with the press of a button, which turned green.

"Hey, what's in there?" Robin asked as the doors opened, and the guy who was whistling walked in through them. "It's just more boxes," Dustin answered.

"Let me check it out," Steve said, trying to grab Dustin's binoculars from him. "No, I'm still looking." "Steve, stop!" I whisper-yelled, just before his and Dustin's little fight got noisy, the binoculars banging against the metal that lined the roof.

I looked to see if any of the men noticed. They were pointing their guns up at where we are. Robin grabbed my shoulder, yanking me down before they could see me.

"Come on," Steve said, and we all crouched down as we started running across the roof. We climbed down a latter before we got back to the safety of being inside of the mall.

"Well, I think we found our Russians," Robin sighed. "Yeah, and they almost found us, too." I glared at Steve, and he looked at Dustin. "I was trying to look inside of the room!" "Whatever," I said. "Want a ride home?" I asked Robin, and she nodded her head.

~Time Skip~

Somehow, me and Robin both ended up going to my house, instead of me dropping her off.

She walked out of the bathroom, wearing some sweats and a t-shirt that I gave her to change into. "How do I look?" She asked jokingly, showing the clothes off, before sitting on my bed.

I laughed a little, setting my hairbrush down, and then laid next to where she was sitting. "Pretty," I said, before letting out a small sigh.

"So..evil Russians," I breathed out. "It's unbelievable, but I really think we're going to be those 'True American Heroes' that kid Dustin mentioned..just in secret."

"Yeah?" I asked, propping my head up on my hand to look at her, and she nodded. I then sat up, looking into her soft blue eyes. She looked back into mine, then transitioning down to my lips. She looked into my eyes on last time before kissing me softly. It was the same as it felt at the drive-in. Our lips moving together, slowly, yet so passionately.

As the kiss began to get more heated, she gently pushed me down onto the bed, her lips not leaving mine. She crawled on top of me, her legs bent and on each side of mine.

I then flipped her body over, leaving me on top this time. I slowly moved my lips away from hers, leaving a trail of kisses down to her neck. I could hear Robin let out a moan as I started sucking on her skin.

Her hands were squeezing my ass as I left multiple hickies on her. I started to move my lips down even further, but Robin pushed me back. "Let me help you," She said, sliding the  shirt I gave her off of her body, and tossing it to the side, revealing her chest to me.

"It's my turn," she whispered in my ear, just before turning my body and pushing me down again. She slid my shirt off of me, and right after, leaving a trail of kisses from my chest and all the way down to my lower stomach.

"Robin," I moaned out her name, before she cut my off by kissed me on my lips again, and slowly sliding her hand into my pants. She looked down at me as she began rubbing me through the thin fabric of my underwear, making me moan into her kiss.


..........hi. I've been wanting to test writing girl x girl, and so I decided that I'd do it in here, and I didn't know how I should continue..but like let me know you're opinion on it, though, because I'm not even sure if I did it right smsksksksk..but anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have a great day/night <3

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