Chapter 6 Troy

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Chapter 6 Troy

I still couldn’t believe it Jane the one girl I ever loved was here with me. I had loved her since I first saw her back in kindergarten. Ever since I was little I was told that one day I would Imprint with a girl. You see I come from a very special family we come from a line of werewolf’s and when a werewolf falls in love it is for life and you Imprint  with the person . My parents said it could happen at any time during my life, but I don’t think they expected it to bee so soon. I was listening to my parents after I told them what happened.

“Well Lici” my dad said to my mother “It looks like Troy’s Imprinted with that young Avery girl” he sounded so proud. Mom was starting to tear up.

“I can’t believe it happened so soon” she was smiling now; you could see the tears flowing freely down her cheeks. “Our young man is growing up” she hugged me tight; dad put his hand on my shoulder.

“Well sometimes it does happen this young, it did for me,” he said hugging my mom. Ever since that day I always tried to protect Jane from other guys that would after her, one time I accidentally pushed her into a lake trying to get Harrison to leave her alone.

“Hey Troy let’s get pepperoni with cheese” Jane’s voice snapped me out of my trance. I smiled at her.

“Sure Jane that sounds great, sound good to you mom?” I asked.

“Definitely” she said taking the menu and walking out the door. I went to go sit with Jane on my bed when she got up and stood before me smiling. I laughed putting my hands on her hips and pulling her into me once again, she put her arms around my neck. I bent down and kissed her. It was amazing, every time I kissed her I felt like the world wasn’t there like it was just her and I. She broke the kiss first and pulled back to look at me, she was smiling at me. I smiled back before pulling her towards the bed. We sat there watching the movie our fingers intertwined. She leaned her head on my shoulder when we heard the doorbell ring.

“Look’s like the pizza is here,” I said staring at Jane.

“Yup” she said laughing and I started to laugh to. We got up and walked down the stares to the kitchen where my mom had the pizza on the counter.

“Hey kids, pizza’s here,” she said as she took a bite of pizza.

“Thanks mom” she smiled before walking out of the room.

“Do you want a soda Jane?”

“Sure Troy” she said smiling. We sat in the kitchen and ate our pizza; we were talking about the new World History Assignment, when my mom walked in again.

“Jane dear your mother is on the phone” she said handing Jane the phone.

“Hello” Jane said. “Yeah mom… ok … sure thing mom…” Her tone started to get more worried “Yeah I’ll go back to Leah’s… really? Sure… ok mom bye” she hung up the phone and handed it to my mom.

“What’s up Jane,” I said a little worried.

“My mom’s in the hospitable” she said, I could see worry in her eyes. She had gone white like she had just seen a ghost, and then her legs had given way. As quick as a flash I was right by her side, I took her hand and I lead her to a chair.

“Jane” I said taking her face in my hands, and staring into her eye’s. “What happened?”

“My mom had a heart attack” I could see the tears poring down her cheeks. “She’s fine now but they want to keep her in the hospitable for a few days” she said sobbing. “She doesn’t want me to go home with out her and asked if I could go to Leah’s house while she’s…” she broke off. I pulled her into me and hugged her gently.

“Jane you can stay here wile your mom is in the hospitable” I said as she gently sobbed into my chest, she looked up at me tears still running down her cheeks I wiped a stray tear off her cheek and smiled back at her. I pulled her tightly to me. “Do you want to go see your mom Jane?” she smiled again before nodding. I kissed her forehead before running out to start the car. As soon as I got outside I was at the car in a heart beat I quickly started the car then I was back inside in a flash. When I walked back in I saw my mom consoling Jane on the couch, I walked over to her and helped her up and walked her out to the car. Once we were in the car I quickly pulled out of the drive way and towards the hospitable. Jane was trying fight back the tears but she was losing the fight.

“She’ll be ok Jane,” I said grabbing her hand and intertwining our fingers. It only took us five minutes to get to the hospitable. When we got to the hospitable I walked Jane to the front desk.

“Hello can I help you two?” a young girl at the front desk asked.

“Yes I’m looking for Donna Avery I’m her daughter Jane” Jane said sounding kind of frantic. I squeezed her hand tighter and she smiled.

“Oh yes Ms. Avery she’s been expecting you to come, she’s in room 257, just go down the hall, take the elevator to the third floor and just head straight” she said as she pointed out the elevator.

“Thank you” Jane said as we turned towards the elevator. When we were in the elevator Jane seemed to tense up.

“She’s ok Jane,” I said putting my arm around her.

“I know Troy,” she said leaning her head on my shoulder; I could feel how tense she was. When the doors opened we walked down to Jane’s mother’s room. As we opened the door Jane squeezed my hand even tighter (glad it takes a lot to hurt me). We saw her laying in the bed typing on her laptop.

“Hi mom” Jane said walking over to her mom and giving her a hug.

“Hi Jane I knew as soon as I called you that you would come” she said hugging Jane back.

“Hi Ms. Avery, how are you feeling?” I asked walking over by Jane.

“Hi Troy” she said smiling at me. “I’m doing just fine now Thank you”

“Mom what happened?” Jane starting to sound worried. I put my hand on her shoulder in a reassuring way. Ms. Avery put her hand on top of mine and smiled.

“I’m glad you’re here with Jane, Troy,” she said looking at me and smiling.

“I am to” Jane said putting her hand on her mom’s that was still on mine; I smiled.

“Ms. Avery?” I asked

“Yes Troy”

“My mother offered our guest bedroom to Jane wile you are in the hospitable” she looked at me and smiled, taking her hand off mine.

“I should have known, your mother has always wanted to take care of Jane and I” she smiled again before looking at Jane.

“Is it ok with you Jane?” she asked looking at Jane.

“Of course mom” Jane looked like she wanted to cry. It seamed that her mom noticed it to.

“I’m ok Jane, it’s all over now,” she said putting her hand on Jane’s cheek.

“I know mom,” Jane said. Just then a nurse walked in.

“Ms. Avery…” she said casually “its time for your medicine”

“Ok then” she said smiling at the nurse. “I’ll be home soon Jane, I love you hunny” she said hugging Jane for the last time. Then turning to me she said, “Take care of her, or you are going to be the next one in the hospitable” we all started to laugh.

“I will Ms. Avery,” I said shaking her hand before taking Jane’s hand in mine.

“I love you to mom” Jane said smiling at her mom. Jane and I walked out in silence down to the elevator, and then out to the car.

“Thank you Troy” Jane said out in the parking lot breaking the silence.

“For what?” I asked confused.

“For every thing that you did for me today” she said hugging me. I hugged her tight.

“I would do any thing for you Jane” I said looking into her eyes, she smiled before sliding into the car. I got in the drivers seat and we headed back to my house.

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