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posted at 4:34 PM on Thursday, August 15th 2019

elizajaneface, linzzmorgan and 20K others like the photo

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elizajaneface, linzzmorgan and 20K others like the photo

bobmorley Oh hi, I didn't see you there #the100 #nospoilers pc: linzzmorgan


. . .

elizajaneface psh, like you're not gonna spoil it for them anyways bobmorley

user i see u have the script in ur hands bobmorley 

bobmorley i'm offended you don't trust me elizajaneface

elizajaneface only cause i know u ;) 

user3 #beliza ??? 

user4 i wanna see the script!!!!!!

user2 if only so I can see if #bellarke FINALLY happens!! user4 

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